[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle Grayson [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=appearance] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca7f89b46eb53b5a3397d571c1471d7/tumblr_nhtggdLelZ1td8cquo1_r1_500.png[/img] [/hider] Kyle looked around as he entered the classroom with Kalinda. Kyle was excited to start learning but he had a thought. [color=2e3192]"So wait, with power development, should I be here? I'm......not very useful. I don't have any powers. I can just backflip like twenty times and give a good kick in the face. But either way, ill stay."[/color] Kyle tilted his head ever so slightly and held on to Kalinda, still arm in arm. [color=2e3192]"Do you mind if we sit next to each other? I'm not nervous or anything but.....oh wait yea you can sense emotions. So can we communicate without talking?"[/color] Kyle slightly blushed, but concentrated on not letting his thoughts and feelings run wild, which was quite a challenge considering he was arm in arm with a beautiful and completely random girl. Kyle concentrated his thoughts and feeling son how he was quite nervous over all, and he was just putting up his performer look for everyone. Kyle didn't want to leave, but he would rather be running on a tight rope high up, or doing acrobatics. Sitting in a classroom, alone, might figuratively kill him. [@caits]