Boomy ran off into the burnt down building and started searching. He smelled several different types of wood burning, pine, spruce, ash, even some oak. He looked around and found various pieces of charcoal on the ground, tasting each of them in turn. There were pieces of each of those types of wood, but none of them tasted like they had any alcoholic drink or oils on them. Well, except for the spruce, which came from the table. It tasted slightly of wine and grain. After looking over the building and under various pieces of debris and not even finding much worth stealing except a copper candlestick and a few copper coins. A bit annoyed by the texture of the charcoal in his mouth he popped the remains of a candle out of the candlestick and started chewing on it to clean his teeth. As soon as he tasted it he spit it out. "Stupid dead things!" he yelled. "Why put boom powder in a candle? It doesn't burn better and it tastes awful!" He spit a few more times to get the taste of saltpeter and sulfur out of his mouth and continued searching, placing anything useful or valuable in his bag.