The noise of the dogfight had awoken the old man from his state of dread. [b]"Someone's fighting the First Order?"[/b] Kyle questions aloud, getting off the sofa in time to see a citadel class cruiser fly around nearby. [i]Let's see what I can use...[/i] Kyle hurriedly thinks before he notices the communications console, a console Kyle is rushing towards. Over a commonly used smuggler's frequency Kyle attempts to contact the civilian ship. [b]"Pilot of the citadel cruiser you need to land at these coordinates, they cut the landing lights so be careful. I'll meet you there with a swoop bike and a cargo platform. Don't respond, they'll think it's the aftermath of your crash."[/b] Is the message Kyle transmits to the Milano. With the console powered down and a sporting blaster assembled the old man walks outside the door of the canteen to a small side platform attached to the landing strip on the almost pitch black outpost-like stop. A larger building supports the landing strip on the other side while the cantina supports the side with the way down. The small platform has metal stairs leading down towards the jungle floor and to an old BARC speeder along with a small repulsorlift platform resting on a particularly large tree. The leaves of the tree at the cantina level form a rather nice little outdoors sitting area, although the benches are tempting Kyle needs to meet the crew of the cruiser, which after clambering down the stairs and getting the platform in place is what Kyle begins to do with a swift activation of the BARC speeder and even more swiftly the speeder, the platform and Kyle begin speeding off towards the clearing the coordinates lead to.