[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2NzAwYS5RV0pwWjJGcGJDQk1iM2RsLjAA/niagra-faults.regular.png[/img] [hr] Abigail was going to continue her conversation with Lucky when the door swung open, revealing a Professor who looked pretty, uh, scruffy. A look of disbelief crossed Abigail's face as she realised that it seemed as though she'd actually just slept in. Not that Abigail could really talk on that front, but she didn't have a job or anything, so that was totally different. Or at least a little. She was pretty surprised to find out that creepy suit guy was one of the Elite Four. Still kinda creepy though, if she was honest about it. But she was still glad she hadn't said anything to him, despite her initial feelings. Not some low-ranked grunt from Team Virtue, that was for sure! Looking at Jacques, she kind of wondered if all high-level trainers were like that. [i][color=f7941d]Will I have to get a hat or something?[/color][/i] As much as Abigail wanted to be one of the first in, she didn't actually register the invitation for a few seconds, by which time a few people had already entered the lab before she could. Pouting a little, she followed the group and the professor into the lab. There'd be enough Pokemon there for everyone anyway, so it wasn't like she'd be held back or anything, she just really wanted to see everything in the lab! It was so new and exciting that she just couldn't wait! Once she got in, she was too busy looking around the lab like a kid in a candy shop to pay that much attention to the professor, although as soon as getting her Pokemon was mentioned Abigail's attention went right back to her. She definitely hadn't forgotten the reason for spending all that time outside the lab. She rushed forward as soon as they were given the go-ahead, grabbing her Pokedex and switching it on, her face lighting up as the screen switched on. Finally, she was getting to go on a journey! This was so cool. So, so cool. [color=82c6cf]'Take these and go make your own journey, just as you like it~!'[/color] Looking up at Professor Kalmia, Abigail's face probably could've lit up a cave with how brightly she was smiling. This was always what the girl had dreamed of, getting a Pokemon and setting out into the world. Step one on her course to being a hero, so she was going to remember it forever! [color=f7941d]"Thank you so much, professor! I'm gonna make the most of this, count on it!"[/color] she cried out cheerfully, although in her excitement her voice went a little squeaky. Checking the Pokedex, she read the entry for her new partner, mumbling it under her breath as the words appeared on the screen. [color=6ecff6][i][center]- You've obtained Wooper! - Pokédex Entry #194 – Wooper, the Water Fish Pokémon. It lives in cold water, sleeping on the bottom and seeking food by the shore when it's cold. When walking above water, wild Woopers cover their bodies with a slimy, poisonous film that keeps them from dehydrating. It's slightly dull-witted. - Would you like to give Wooper a nickname? -[/center][/i][/color] Abigail thought it over, looking at the pokemon's picture on the screen. Hmm, what did that look like to her? Maybe she could name it something watery, or something that sounded really cool and powerful. After thinking it over for a second, she decided on a name that was neither of those things, but just felt right for some reason. It started with the same letter anyway so that counted as a good reason in her books. She tossed the pokeball into the air, and her new partner appeared, a slightly dopey-looking smile on his face. [color=f7941d]"Winston! It's so great to meet you, I'm Abigail!"[/color] she was about to hug the Wooper, but then remembered what the pokedex said about poison. Maybe that wasn't the best decision for her health. Although, he was adorable. In a little bit of a compromise, she knelt down to the Wooper's level in order to greet him. The pokemon in question looked at her blankly, antennae twitching in excitement as he let out a happy sounding cry. At least, Abigail thought it sounded pretty happy. It was hard to tell, since the pokemon's expression didn't seem to be changing at all. He was smiling, though, so that was a good sign. His tail wagged lazily from side to side. [color=f7941d]"So, you ready to start a real journey, Winston?"[/color] she asked. After about ten seconds of waiting, the Pokemon nodded, to which Abigail let out a thrilled cheer. It was obvious exactly how excited the girl was about this. Looking around the lab, all of the pokemon were really cool, but as far as Abigail was concerned, none of them compared to Winston. He was the best, clearly, because he was her starter! That made him a future hero in training, just like her, so he was totally the best! No matter what the future would throw at them, they would face it down together! She was feeling really inspired, like she could take on the world! Winston faceplanted on the lab floor and shuffled along to his trainer. Okay, that one was a little less inspiring. They could work on it. [hr] [hider=POKEMON]WINSTON [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b0/Spr_6x_194_m.png[/img] Wooper (♂) Level: 5 Moves:[list][*] [color=darkturquoise]Water Gun[/color] [*]Tail Whip [*][color=Peru]Mud Sport[/color][/list] Ability: Water Absorb (Healed by water-type moves) Held Item: N/A [/hider] [hider=BAG]Items:[list][*] 1x Potion [*]Pokedex[/list] Pokédollars: 500p[/hider]