[b][center][h1][color=yellow]Salute to the Fallen[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [i]“So gorgeous was the spectacle on the December morning of 1910 when nine kings rode in the funeral of Empress Alissandre de Valle of Sessau that the crowd, waiting in hushed and black-clad awe, could not keep back gasps of admiration. In scarlet and blue and green and purple, three by three the sovereigns rode through the palace gates, with plumed helmets, gold braid, crimson sashes, and jeweled orders flashing in the sun. After them came five heirs apparent, forty more imperial or royal highnesses, seven queens - four dowager and three regnant - and a scattering of special ambassadors from uncrowned countries. Together they represented seventy nations in the greatest assemblage of royalty and rank ever gathered in one place and, of its kind, the last. The muffled tongue of Le Tour d'Or tolled nine by the clock as the cortege left the palace, but on history's clock it was sunset, and the sun of the old world was setting in a dying blaze of splendor never to be seen again.”[/i] -- Excerpt from [i]Salute to the Fallen[/i] ([i]1910[/i]) [center][img]https://104464m.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/the_battle_of_vimy_ridge1.jpg[/img] [i]A game of colonization, nationalism, industry and politics.[/i][/center] [b][center][h1][color=yellow]Background[/color][/h1][/center][/b] In [i]Salute to the Fallen[/i], you represent a nation, poised in the early 20th century of a fictionalized world similar to ours. Your nation will have colonies, industries, soldiers and a budget. You'll need to balance these, take risks, make alliances and start wars to fight. This is a game where you can be destroyed. You can expand. You can win, you can lose. The narrative here is crafted by the players and [b]Seasonal Events[/b] created by me--the GM. Some important facets of this game are [b]Ethnicities, Militarism, Economics, National Politics[/b] and [b]Technology[/b]. [b][center][h1][color=yellow]Game Mechanics[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [b]Nation Creation[/b]: You are responsible for crafting the basis of your nation as a cultural and political entity. The intricacies of your nation however are generated with a Random Number Generator. This is a [i]Play the Hand You're Dealt[/i] policy that forces you to play to your nations strengths. [hider=NATION APPLICATION] [b]Name's Official Name[/b]: [b]Nation's Government[/b]: (A brief description) [b]Head of State[/b]: [b]Nation's Description[/b]: (Cultural, geographic, military) [b]Desired Location[/b]: (This is not absolute) [b]Major Arms Company Name[/b]: [b]Major Naval Shipping Company Name[/b]: [b]Major Industrial Company Name[/b]: [b]Nation's Major Bolt-Action Rifle[/b]: [b]Nation's Primary Artillery Piece[/b]: [/hider] [hr] [b][u]RULES OF THE GAME[/u][/b] [hider=I. Basic Stats.] - [b]Population[/b]: This is how many people live in your nation. Measured in the millions. - [b]Manpower[/b]: This is how many able bodies you have to recruit into your nation, begins as 1% of your nation and grows at +1,000 a month. - [b]Prestige[/b]: How your nation is seen by others. Prestige effects the following: * [i]Spheres[/i]: Prestige x 3 = Maximum number of Spheres. * [i]Tech Boost[/i]: Every Prestige over 10 increases your chance for discovering a new tech. - [b]Naval Tonnage[/b]: How much naval tonnage you can build at one time. - [b]Naval Supply[/b]: How many ships each naval theater can supply.[/hider] [hr] [hider=II. Economics] 1. There are five types of Population: [i]Bureaucrats, Militarists, Laborers, Farmers[/i] and [i]Specialists[/i]. I. [b]Bureaucrats[/b] are the political, possibly aristocratic class of your nation. They represent the upper class. For every 1,000,000 Bureaucrats in your nation you generate +1 Support. II. [b]Militarists[/b] are the jingoists, clambering for war and expansionism. For every 500,000 Militarists in your nation you generate +1 Militarism and +1,000 extra Manpower per month [b]while at war[/b]. III. [b]Laborers[/b] are the workers in the factories all around your nation. For every 20,000 Laborers in your nation you can run [b]1 Factory Complex[/b]. IV. [b]Farmers[/b] are those who toil the land and fields for your nation. For every 500,000 Farmers in your nation you generate $5,000,000 and +1,000 Population growth. V. [b]Specialists[/b] are specific workers who are experts in their respective field. For every 10,000 Specialists you can run [b]1 Specialist Industry[/b].[/hider] [hr] [hider=III. Industry.] Your industrial base will start small. There are a plethora of different factories and companies, with a specific function and cost. I. [b]Armaments Factory[/b] ([i]$42,000,000[/i]): This factory is used to build rifles, machine guns and artillery. II. [b]Railroad Consrtuction Company[/b] ([i]$46,000,000[/i]): This is a company designed to expand your nation's rail network. III. [b]Automotive Factory[/b] ([i]$61,000,000[/i]): With automobiles becoming all the rage, producing vehicles to sell is a lucrative idea. In times of war, this factory can easily be retooled to build armored variants. - Can build [b]Armored Cars[/b]. [Requires [b]Retooling[/b]] or - Can build [b]Automobiles[/b]. Generates [$500,000 for every 1% Roads in your country] IV. [b]Colonial Charter Company[/b] ([i]$26,000,000[/i]): If we expect our colonies to become profitable, issuing a colonial charter company is a good way to start. They manage and administer colonial resources, sending them back to the home country. V. [b]Aviation Mechanics Company[/b] ([i]$71,000,000[/i]): So intricate and complicated are they, the engines of the aircraft must be designed and built separate from the aircraft. We can build those here. [Requires [b]Specialists[/b]] VI. [b]Airframe Manufacturing Company[/b] ([i]$90,000,000[/i]): Building the airframes of the aircraft that will be soaring above our skies is performed here. VII. [b]Basic Goods Factory[/b] ([i]$38,000,000[/i]): Designing furniture, toys and basic appliances. These factories generate $20,000,000 a month. VIII. [b]Munitions Factory[/b] ([i]$46,000,000[/i]): Manufacturing artillery and small arms ammunition will be essential to supply our soldiers for combat. [Requires [b]Specialists[/b]][/hider] [hr] [hider=IV. Resources] Resources are extremely important. They are represented in the game in various amounts. On the 1st of every Month you [b]Collect[/b] Homeland Resources and Colonial Resources. 1. [b]Coal[/b]: This is required to run our industry. * Factories require [b]60 tons of coal per hour[/b], or 720 tons/month. * Naval vessels require coal to use as well [Ship dependent]. 2. [b]Grain[/b] 3. [b]Cattle[/b] 4. [b]Rubber[/b] 5. [b]Iron[/b] 6. [b]Oil[/b] 7. [b]Tea[/b] 8. [b]Precious Stones[/b] 9. [b]Coffee[/b] 10. [b]Silk[/b][/hider] [hr] [hider=VI. Research] Every month you'll need to choose how much to invest in your nation. - [b]None[/b] requires 0% of your Monthly Budget. - [b]Low[/b] requires 1% of your Monthly Budget. - [b]Normal[/b] requires 2% of your monthly Budget. - [b]High[/b] requires 3% of your monthly Budget. - [b]Very High[/b] requires 4% of your monthly Budget. Here's the sectors of research and growth. [b][u]NATIONAL TECH[/u][/b] - [b]Industry[/b] - [b]Education[/b] - [b]Agriculture[/b] - [b]Business[/b] [b][u]ARMY TECH[/u][/b] - [b]Army Officers[/b] - [b]Small Arms[/b] - [b]Artillery[/b] - [b]Army Tactics[/b] - [b]Logistics & Supply[/b] [b][u]NAVAL TECH[/u][/b] - [b]Admiralty[/b] - [b]Submarine Warfare[/b] - [b]Screening Ships[/b] - [b]Naval Guns[/b] - [b]Fleet Tactics[/b] [b][u]AVIATION TECH[/u][/b] - [b]Aeronautics[/b] There are fifteen technologies, so by keeping them all at [b]Low[/b] it requires 15% of your national budget. Instead of calculating each one individually. Calculate the overall percentage and add it up into a single, whole number.[/hider] [hr] [hider=VII. Production & Income] This is how you conduct your nation at the beginning of every month. [b][color=green]Kingdom of Massau[/color][/b] [2,100,000 Population | 1,000,000 Bureaucrats | 250,000 Militarists | 100,000 Laborers | 750,000 Farmers | 0 Specialists] [b]INCOME[/b]: -- [b]Agriculture[/b]: 750,000 Farmers = $5,000,000 -- [b]Industry[/b]: 40,000 / 100,000 working Laborers * [i]Makken Plant[/i] [Basic Goods Factory]: +$20,000,000 * [i]Sudda Plant[/i] [Basic Goods Factory]: +$20,000,000. [/hider] [hr] [hider=VIII. Political Support & Militarism] [b]Political Support[/b] is generated by [b]Bureaucrats[/b] and is used to govern politically. These are the following abilities that can be done via Political Support. -- [b]Guarantee Nation[/b]: ([i]3 Support, multiplied by two for every additional nation after the first[/i]): This will guarantee a nation's independence against outside aggression. -- [b]Sphere Nation[/b]: ([i]6 Support, multiplied by two for every additional nation after the first[/i]): This will add a nation to your political sphere, granting you access to 25% of all their resources. -- [b]Non-Aggression Pact[/b]: ([i]5 Support, multiplied by two for every additional nation after the first[/i]): Lasting three years, both nations agree not to declare war on one another. Breaking this causes +8% Unrest and -5 Prestige. -- [b]Declare War[/b]: ([i]1 Support[/i]): This will put you at a state of war with another target nation. [/hider] [hr] [hider=IX. Naval & Army Actions] [b][u]NAVAL ACTIONS[/u][/b] -- [b]Build Locally[/b]: Allows you to build a ship in your own local shipyard. Only limitation is your existing Naval Tonnage. You cannot build a ship heavier than your existing Naval Tonnage. First ship of a design costs 20% more. -- [b]Build Foreign[/b]: Allows you to build a ship in a foreign shipyard. First ship of a class costs 20% more. Foreign yards receives 20% of the profits. -- [b]Expand Naval Tonnage[/b]: Will allow you to build 1,000 more tons. Costs [Current Tonnage x $5,000,000] and requires 6 months. -- [b]Expand Facilities[/b]: Will allow you to supply more ships in a Naval Theater. Cost is [$25,000,000] for the first level. Each additional level costs an extra $5,000,000. -- [b]Mothball[/b]: Will allow you to mothball any number of ships. Maintenance costs is decreased by 75%. -- [b]Refit[/b]: Allows you to upgrade an existing ship. Cost is dependent. [b][u]ARMY ACTIONS[/u][/b] -- [b]Conscription[/b] ([i]4 Militarism[/i]): Can Conscript 50,000 ($25,000,000) or 100,000 ($75,000,000). Finishes in 30 Days + -30/+30 Day Modifier. Generates 3% Unrest. -- [b]Recruitment Campaign[/b] ([i]1 Militarism[/i]): Will recruit X,000 of men. Modifier is 1d20 - Unrest and + Prestige. -- [b]War Plan[/b] ([i]3 Militarism, multiplied by two for every additional nation after the first[/i]: Select a target nation. This creates a War Plan in the event of war against that nation. It starts at 50% and degrades 1% a month until dissolving at 0%. If war is declared between these two nations, whatever state the War Plan is at, adds that same percentage to your nations [b]Preparation[/b] bonus.[/hider] [hr] [hider=X. Military Designs] [b][u]NAVAL DESIGN[/u][/b] -- [Class Name]: [i]What will this class of ships be called[/i] -- [Ship Names]: [i]Minimum of 3[/i]. -- [Classification]: Minelayer, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Armored Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Battleship, Merchant] -- [Tonnage]: See Tonnage* below. -- [Main Gun]: Select [Light, Medium, Heavy, Super Heavy] -- [Secondary Guns]: Select [Light, Medium, Heavy, Super Heavy] -- [Intended Range]: [Short, Normal, Extreme] -- [Engine]: [Reliability, Normal, Speed] -- [Armor]: [Light, Normal, Heavy] -- [Accommodations]: [Cramped, Normal, Luxurious] [b]TONNAGE[/b] -- [b]Minelayer[/b]: Between 250 and 550 tons. -- [b]Destroyer[/b]: Between 550 and 850 tons. -- [b]Light Cruiser[/b]: Between 4,000 and 5,200 tons. -- [b]Heavy Cruiser[/b]: Between 8,000 and 12,000 tons. -- [b]Battlecruiser[/b]: Anything above 16,000 tons and your Naval Tonnage. -- [b]Battleship[/b]: Anything above 16,000 tons and your Naval Tonnage. [b][u]ARMY DESIGN[/u][/b] [b]- Weapon Type:[/b] (Rifle, SMG*, Machine Gun*, Field Gun, Heavy Artillery, Armored Car*, Landship*) [b]- Weapon Name:[/b] (1 Name for each 1 Arms Company you have) [b]- Development Window:[/b] Select 1, 4, 6 or 12 months. [b]- Reliability:[/b] Select [High, Normal, Low] [b]- Simplicity[/b]: Select [High, Normal, Low] [b]- Quality[/b]: Select [High, Normal, Low] [/hider] [hr] [hider=XI. Naval War] [b]Naval Theaters[/b] - [b]Inner Sea[/b]: The sea comprised of the Blutlander Peninsula, Thecia and the North Coast of Serranthia. - [b]Open Northern Sea[/b]: The sea comprising the Northeast coast of the Continent and the Republic of Zellonia. - [b]Northern Faresian Sea[/b]: The sea comprised of the Empire of Fusan and the frigid waters of the North. - [b]Southern Faresian Sea[/b]: The sea comprised of the Faresian Islands. - [b]Southern Serranthian Sea[/b]: The sea south of the Serranthian continent. [b]Naval Supply[/b] Every Theater has a [b]Naval Supply[/b] indicating how many ships it can support. Your ships will suffer if they can not be properly supplied. Use the [b]Action[/b] [b]Expand Facilities[/b] to increase your Naval Supply. [b]ASW & Shipping Patrols[/b] Each nation with a navy also has a [b]ASW & Shipping Patrols[/b]: For every 5 Merchants you have in [b]Free Trade[/b] you must allocate at least [b]1 Destroyer[/b] or [b]1 Light Cruiser[/b]. [b]Commerce Raiding[/b] You may assign any amount of ships, including submarines, to [b]Commerce Raiding[/b] in any of the five Naval Theaters. [b]Assignment[/b] A ship is assigned [b]Active Fleet[/b], [b]Mothballed[/b], [b]ASW & Shipping[/b] or [b]Commerce Raiding[/b]. [b]EXAMPLE NAVAL ORDER OF BATTLE[/b] [quote] - [b]ASW & Shipping[/b] [27 Merchants in Trade = 6 Ships] * Ship 18 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] * Ship 19 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] * Ship 20 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] * Ship 21 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] * Ship 22 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] * Ship 23 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [ASW & Shipping] - [b]Inner Sea[/b] * Ship 1 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 2 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 3 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 4 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 5 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Commerce Raiding] - [b]Open Northern Sea[/b] * Ship 6 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 7 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 8 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] - [b]Northern Faresian Sea[/b] * Ship 9 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 10 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Commerce Raiding] - [b]Southern Faresian Sea[/b] * Ship 11 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 12 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 13 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Commerce Raiding] * Ship 14 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Commerce Raiding] * Ship 15 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] - [b]Southern Serranthian Sea[/b] * Ship 24 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 25 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 26 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 27 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet] * Ship 28 [Ship Classification] [Ship Class] [Active Fleet][/quote][/hider] [hider=XII. Land War] [b]Fronts[/b]: During a land war with enemy nations, certain fronts will exist. If you share a land border, this will certainly be one of them. Each Front will have the following assignment: - [b]Armies[/b]: The forces present in this front. - [b]General[/b]: The man in command of these armies. - [b]Doctrine[/b]: The selected doctrine on this front. You also have the following actions during a Land War: -- [b]Invasion[/b]: This will create a naval invasion to open a new front. For every 5,000 troops involved, you must dedicate 1 Merchant as a troop ship. The following doctrines are among those you may select. These may be changed [b]once per month[/b]: -- [b]Offensive[/b]: A general call to attack. A preliminary artillery barrage followed by an offensive march across the front. -- [b]Advance at All Costs[/b]: A shorter, more intense artillery barrage is met by a concerted attack with the majority of our forces. While taking more casualties, we run a much higher chance of defeating the enemy positions. -- [b]Dig In[/b]: Our troops at the front will dig in, placing defensive fortifications where necessary. We overload the front here, ensuring the rear is protected. -- [b]Defense in Depth[/b]: -- [b]Scorched Earth[/b]: -- [b]Active Resistance[/b]: -- [b]Counterattack[/b]: [/hider] [hider=XIII. Air War] [/hider]