Good evening, everyone, I had a bit of a long day, but it's time to sit back and work! [@Cojemo], no problems as I can see and I read her over a few times, so stick her in the character tab, she's approved. [@Silverwind Blade], great characters, but Frusa is a continent, you must have misunderstood my idea. It's totally minor, might I recommend Erust as a replacement? Simply change the names and we're good, confirmed and approved! [b]Faceless Squadron 7 will sortie for their first mission either this Sunday afternoon or Monday. Anyone who has yet to sign up or needs to finish a character, please have them ready by then, at best! If not, we won't be immediately seeing action, so I can allow your character being late to the briefing, but get ready![/b] If anyone would like to begin writing their opening post, all Faceless Squadron 7 pilots will be transferring to Courier Field Air Base on the border with Satea, news will be given once you get there, in the briefing room. The current date is August 19th, 2016. Don't get comfy though, they won't be there for long! [hider=Location of Courier Field Air Base] [img][/img] [/hider]