[center][h2][color=39b54a]Eto Yoshimura[/color][/h2] [@Pirouette][@Absolis][@Flamelord][@thewizardguy][@Wraithblade6][/center] [hr] Such belligerence, Eto herself would have cried in joy if she had seen more go-getter attitudes such as these in her own group of man-eating psychopaths. But alas, she had to confront these very types all the time. She herself would be represented as the Owl bringing forth war and destruction after all and it was only common sense that she would savor such awful events. Nonetheless, it was of course a shroud that concealed her ideals, one necessary to appear as the unstoppable monster her previous foes were terrified to confront. She terrified the CCG, she terrified the ex-Alliance. And now, she was going to impose fear to every single member of this round table, sooner or later. Everybody seemed overly excited over their small initiative, which was to be expected considering the lack of genuine desire to find peace. At least their true colors were out in the open, except of course for the Goa'uld. Even in such events, they remained absolutely irrelevant, even if presented to a piece of information that would normally be coveted by these organizations. The madman with a particular obsession with pigs would be the first to step in. As eloquent as he was, he would clearly need a little brawn to reinforce his witty words when it came to attendees of this farce of a summit. The Envisioning One's steps could still be heard, slowly creeping their way closer and closer to the revealing lights of negotiation room. They were unfazed by the attempts of intimidation by the Primarch, hell, it even seemed like the sound of the footsteps almost had superiority over his mighty roars and demonstrations of power. "[color=39b54a]As my associate just said ... We're giving you guys the identity of our boss. I mean, we gave you Unicron, we forgave you killing a bunch of our guys, including yours truly, let the fact that your own boss destroyed our fleet slip by, and even got rid of these Conquerors for you.[/color]" Arms crossed and back comfortably rested against her chair, the Ghoul seemed somewhat irritated when it came to her tone, but her expression remained the same. A vile and playful one. "[color=39b54a]So excuuuuuse us for assuming we're in the clear for SLIGHTLY disrespecting these redundant rules for some meeting led by a bunch of ...[/color]" Her gaze would scrutinize all of the participants, making a long pause on the Imperium's side before finishing her condescending phrase. She'd grimace. "[color=39b54a][i]... Nothings.[/i] So please, sit back down, and enjoy the show.[/color]" Authoritarian as always, the order was quite clear and a war over such things seemed to be petty beyond reason. They again, Oswald had made a point, following such belligerent insanity would most likely not be of benefit to any of the factions, especially the crippled Conquerors. If there was one thing she could respect for the Goa'uld, it would be their tendency to not display such absurdities in such sensitive times. Though even out of these times they never really actually did anything either. Eerie, but irrelevant. No matter what they would do, the Envisioning One was coming, and their mere presence would spark the most irrational of fears upon the beings in this room. Even Eto herself would have a drop of sweat leak from her forehead, unsure as to what her superior would have to say about her recent outbursts. But just as the grand reveal were about to happen ... They all smelled [i]them[/i]. The two ghouls did, at least, while those capable of certain forms of sensory could as well. About a few seconds later, the Speaker's glasses would have a warning sign sparking at the top right of his lenses. Something was wrong and ADVENT had picked it up as well. His preoccupied stare would have him exchange nods with a somewhat distressed Eto. With that simple sign, two bright lights would emerge, each at the side of the Envisioning One's silhouette in the shadows. What came out would be two entities wearing a purple, bright mask. The rest of their bodies would remain concealed in the shadows, but their mask was overwhelmingly easy to discern. They were the Avatars, ADVENT's finest and rarely employed in the battlefield. None of the factions were exposed to them yet. They could only associate them to the same power spikes the Uber Ethereal emitted, although much lower of course. As soon as they appeared, they would vanish within a massive portal, taking the grand leader with them as a particularly menacing threat was sniffed out by all. "[color=9e0b0f]Go.[/color]" Tatara warned the two non-combatant as he'd slowly start to unzip his long, white trenchcoat. Rarely had he ever engaged in combat, and when he did, he would only start to purge himself of his noble attire if he were to employ his Kakuja. He estimated the threat worthy enough. Eto herself had activated her Kakugan on her right eye, Kagune ready to rip apart whatever would emerge. The Speaker and the Quincy representative would be quick to get on their feet and job toward the ship they had used to get here. "[color=39b54a]A dud AND insecure. Wow, you guys sure put a lot of effort into this meetup, huh?[/color]" She mocked the Imperium, awaiting patiently on her seat for the menaces to show themselves. Finally, they would have some time to jam.