[@KatherinWinter][@dabombjk] "Don't worry, you belong. Besides it's compulsory. But it's not so much about developing your powers as it is...developing who you will be out there" kalinda said, trying to sound reassuring but it was much easier to just soothe his emotions then it was trying to be reassuring. Very carefully she soothed the edges of the nervousness, the worry. Making then just a little easier for Kyle to bare, without totally wiping them. People needed to deal with their emotions, but they couldn't do that if they were in a panic, after all. "It will be okay" she said, as if she hasn't done anything. She looked over at Zack and smiled, "hey, Zack. I was wondering if I would see you guys back here! Yup. I found a lost little lamb and thought I'd show him about. Kyle, this is Zack. I'm sure you'll meet Griffin soon enough. This is Kyle, guys."