[@Angry Friend] I hope you're going to be able to finish the app within a reasonable amount of time. While new players are rarely a bad thing as long as they're competent, it would reflect poorly on Varromere if he held the RP back for an extended period of time for the sake of one person. And, as Ryu had mentioned, we have no way of knowing if you're telling the truth. Though I fail to see what you would gain from lying. As for relations to other characters, I don't exactly have a very clear view of what your character is like from those bullet points. You might want to mention other people and see what they think. Apologies for the (possibly) cold tone I seem to have. I hold no aggression towards you. I'm simply confused as to how you have time to post here and update Varromere's situation for him when you're supposed to be the one hard at work making an app, not him. A GM's lack of communication with players has ruined nearly every RP I've ever been a part of. I'm honestly not too keen on seeing this trend continue.