[center][color=gray][h1]Keith[/h1][/color][/center] This was an... unexpected development. Well, not too unexpected he supposed. He had figured that there would be some kind of altercation. But not an entirely new enemy coming up to attack. He supposed it was good he had brought a back up plan. On Cyano's order of course. Now, onto the far more pressing matter, the goo. Setting his hands on both Mithias and Agnonious' shoulder, the three would melt into the shadow beneath their table, leaving the fourth person they brought, nothing more then a simple alliance troop, at the whims of this new enemy. If anyone would notice, unless they were too busy fighting off tyranid or running scared, they would see the poor trooper become covered in the goo it fired. Within moments, the person would be melted down into nothing. It would be, fairly horrific. Meanwhile, within the shadow, Keith would simply watch, and wait. Agonious, of course, would be itching for a fight. The only thing holding him back from running off towards the tyranids, would be Keith holding him back. And the fact that he couldn't leave without Keith helping him out. Which, would normally happen. But, this was the time for the back up plan... Out of the shadows, five more people would appear. All similar to keith. Their forms were difficult to make out. Their minds hidden. It would be difficult to tell just what they were. The only hint being that, they looked similar to keith. Immediately setting to work, they would work in tandem to slaughter the Tyranid. Popping in and out of the shadows, shadow bolts flying through the air. Technically, they were armed combatants. Technically. It was against the rules for them to be there. But, would any one truly care, now that they had a far greater enemy to worry about?[url][/url]