Cerdic's broadsword drawn, he ran out onto the battlements with a small following in his wake. Men yelled and screamed around him. Many were at the ever widening breach, holding the Gors and Ungors back as they made a pitiful but determined attempt to make it atop the wall. Arrows were exchanged between Chaos and the Imperial defenders, and the crack and smoke of musket fire was decipherable behind the parapets. "Tell them to ceasefire and reload!" Cerdic roared to one of the Knights. The man balked, then saw the wisdom of it and ran along the walls, shouting for them to heed the order. Suddenly, other than the occasional clash of steel and meat along the center, and a few loose arrows from the forest, there was silence. "Fire!" Cerdic roared, and the Knight echoed the order. The twang of Ranger Long bows and crack of Rifle fire filled the air, followed by the bays of pain and defiance of their foe awaiting in the dark. Cerdic took this opportunity to run across the wall as the Knight bellowed "Reload!" Suddenly the Hell Cannon fired again, sending rock, flesh, and bone flying as it hit the breach. It would only need another hit or two to completely fell it. "Get off the breach!" he ordered. One of the men, a burly Hochlander it looked like, eyed him, and then looked at the Cannon. "Aye lads! Off the breach!" "Get behind the wall! But not the breach! DO IT." Cerdic called, then ran down the closest stairs and entered the courtyard. As the men spilled down to it, another shot from the Cannon not only felled the breach, but shot through the rock and tore through two men as well as the beastman that had already been trying to climb over. The baying and roars of the Chaos spawn filled the air, before their charging brought them ever closer toward the hole in their defenses. Twenty Knights and around fifty Men-At-Arms stood in a rough grouping within the courtyard now. "Form up!" Cerdic raised his sword. "Shields up you bastards!" One of them men, bleeding from his head, practically crawled away and back into the keep. The rest of the men followed Cerdic's orders, though some of the Knight stood at the fore with their armor and swords that gleamed off the moonlight. [@Austronaut]