[@Wraithblade6][@supertinyking][@CreedTheChimera][@kishin asura][@thewizardguy] "Well, as you can see Illyndriel, the others remained unscathed. In fact, a few of them seemed to have felt the need to join us. However, I, unfortunately, regret to inform you that I planned for this visit to be short. You see, I need to speak with Kevin in private...we have a LOT of catching up to do...wouldn't you agree, friend?" As Michael speaks, he is walking straight towards the newly resurrected wizard, firmly placing a hand on his shoulder. Before any reactions could be made, a Corridor of Darkness opens on the duo, warping them away from the others. The two have been moved into a space separated from reality, a pocket area in which no one would be able to enter or leave until the creator of it was incapable of sustaining it. When Kevin finally is up to speed on his surroundings. He sees that Michael is a few paces in front of him, eyeing him rather curiously. "Now then...I wonder just what the best method would be to jog your memory...your in a situation similar to mine, you know. Little to no memories of events what occurred in the past...save for those that left strong enough impressions on your mind. Tell me...would I happen to be one of those people...?" The tactician inquires, his eyes betraying him, displaying how he really feels about what has become of Kevin.