[Hider=Shakti Subramaniam][b]Name:[/b] Shakti Subramaniam [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [Img]http://manga.tokyo/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/34c93a6c787aa3074f9290a9b261c26e-1024x970.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 6' [b]Weight:[/b] 140lbs [b]Likes:[/b] Spicy foods, sweet foods, running full tilt, climbing, children, people, cultures, philosophy. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being slowed down, irresponsible parents, strictness, [b]Party Trick:[/b] Shakti has the uncanny ability to get to places that would normally be off limits: someone's balcony, restricted access rooftops, on someone's car, sewer, etc. HARDCORE PARKOUR BABY!!! [b]Profession:[/b] Shakti has officially graduated with a Bachelor's in Philosophy, but thanks to a technical glitch, she is still allowed to stay at Shine Academy's graduate student housing and is roommates with Otonashi Shizuka. She runs many odd jobs on the side, as a delivery woman, courier, Süper driver, if it involves getting from point A to point B, she's probably done it. [b]Bio/Personality:[/b] Shakti is energetic to the point of restlessness, the very image of unbridled freedom. She is friendly, a lover of people and would be a bit of an experience junkie if it weren't for the lack of disposable income. She is extremely tolerant, even towards those with intolerant views. Her one weakness is impatience. Her energy level directly correlates with how fast she is moving and she becomes lethargic and bored if forced to slow down. Why do you think it took her so long to get her Bachelor's? According to the orphanage, Shakti was found wandering the alleys of Shine City when she was three, crying and holding a worn out stuffed animal. They didn't know whether she was abandoned or if her parents had died, but they took her in and posted a missing child notice. No one ever came. As such, Shakti was essentially raised by the orphanage until adulthood. She had a few flings with foster families: doe-eyed optimists who misplaced altruism with responsibility, who promptly returned her when she presented herself as 'too wild' or unwilling to conform to their expectations of a child. As 'punishment' for her unruliness and unadoptability, Shakti worked at the orphanage since she quickly became one of the oldest kids. But working at the orphanage was really all she ever really wanted to do. And due to the fact that boys are less adoptable than girls, Shakti became a bit of a tomboy herself, being surrounded by them. The orphanage was trying to decide what to do with Shakti. They had enrolled her in public school (though she was held back a few times) but after graduating high school they were at a loss. Fortunately, a wealthy donor had created a fund for sending orphans with promise to college. Forced to apply, Shakti, against all odds (ok, so the scholarship was obscure and nobody else applied) got enough to make her way through Shine Academy. Well not entierely, the scholarship only covered four years. Shakti took a little longer than that but made it through with money from her various odd-jobs. Now that she's graduated, she still lives in the dorms. The orphanage expects her to become a self-sufficient adult. Where does her life take her from here? Can anything hold her down? Will she able to stand still long enough to find 'the one'? [hider=Theme][youtube]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4qg0x07oaZY[/youtube][/hider][/hider]