[@supertinyking][@Nightknight][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Wraithblade6] Viral sneered as he slumped in his seat. He felt sickened, and not in a good way. His hands trembled, and his vision began to blur, as he felt the dark magic working on his body. A growl escaped from his lips as he glared through locks of blonde hair. This human would challenge him? Insult him? Face him, in such a despicably arrogant manner? This was unacceptable. The mech righted itself, as Viral spoke up. "You think you can simply-" He never got to finish his sentence. With a rumbling bang the concrete holding up the gunman's left hand collapsed, aided by a series of flaming blasts. Normally Viral would have been able to right himself in midair, or halt his fall entirely, but he found himself slowed down, debilitated, his body hesitant to respond. Cursing he fell freely, slamming into the concrete below, flattening a number of the fighters. He lay among those who had once sworn loyalty to him, traitorous fools overwhelming the few who remained on his side. Fools, cowards, human scum the lot of them. Hissing, Enki slowly moved up, but Viral knew it wouldn't be enough. The person had implied a time limit with their statement, as if whatever was affecting him now would soon kill him. And while he was confident in the immortality that had been bestowed upon him, he could not afford to show weakness to these creatures. He was Viral, captain of the Human Extermination Forces. Perhaps it was time he acted like it. Pain arched through his body, as he screamed out. His hand grasped a dagger, plunged into his shoulder. He could feel the blade scrape bone, and the sound filled his ears. Blood flowed down his shirt, agony turned his vision red. Darkness encroached on the edge of his vision. But he forced himself up, laughing. He was hatred, he was pain, he was death. As the pain chased away the nausea in his chest, and adrenaline pumped through his veins, he grinned, gripping the controls with both hands. "Allow me to show you your folly! I am Viral, representative of Lord Genome and the Spiral Empire! All who disobey will be erased from existence!" With this cry, Enki seemed to spasm, before shooting up into the sky. With a dexterity physically impossible in a robot of such size, Enki landed on on hand, spinning in some kind of ridiculous breakdancing move. One massive metal leg slammed into the build, ripping through stone and concrete with devastating ease. The entire tower toppled, crashing to the ground and carrying any on it downwards at high speed. Debris showered the battlefield, wiping out a significant section, which Viral had deemed filled mostly with traitors. Flipping out of the move with ease and grace, the Mech drew a massive pair of black katana, and swung through the Alliance army. One slice left a batallion of tanks in ruin, a kick exploded a smaller battle mech. A blast of electricity from Mortarius was blocked by the blade, which touched the earth to ground the lightning. Retaliation was swift, as Enki launched a nearby armoured troop truck in his direction at a high enough speed to leave him and his general area in ruin. In moments, the commander ripped his way through most of the Alliance forces, and still he was ready to deal with any threat from the remaining player forces, who might have survived the fall one way or another. This was Viral fighting seriously, putting his all into it, and as he fought a baleful red glow began to appear. An image that served as a dark omen to any who knew of it's power. In moment, he would erase most of the battlefield with that beam, along with anyone who dared oppose him any longer. Even some of the hardened Alliance troops dropped their weapons at the sight, refusing to sacrifice their life meaninglessly. "Come then! Face me, humans! I will show you true combat!"