Guh! Work hit me like a cement truck this week, (but I do love my work, I get to do important science-y things) and it was all I could do just to keep up with the OOC and slowly read my way through the IC to catch up with events. I can finally make a post! Anyone need an energetic lady to interact with, or better yet, anyone need a Süper driver to get them somewhere? (Süper being my take on the Shine universe's version of Uber, an app that let's passengers hail drivers as an alternative to taxis). I also wanted to point out that I've noticed people using existing brands, but one of the fun things of Shine City is seeing what parody brands people come up with as Shine universe knock-offs. Not trying to enforce anything here, just wanted to let newcomers know this unwritten 'rule' of Shine City and await the brand name creativity to ensue. [@Lunaeria] Addison used Uber in your first post. Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your family. Dishonor on your cow.