[@Caits] [@Avanhelsing][@spriggs27] [center][h2][color=ff9966] Tsura Eisenhardt[/color][/h2] [url= http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?as=t&q=8&cd=-1&cq=.75&pj=t&w=480&h=480&f=photoalbum_500413235_user42227160-1-jpg.jpg]Picture[/url] [/center] Tsura looked at Phoebe an gave a little sigh before saying [color=ff9966]"I could certainly use a place to refine my control or else spend time as a hologram so I opt for Power Development. Momma would already be drilling me at home for letting my emotions handle my abilities"[/color] After which she waited to see if all were coming as she assumed that they had become a de facto group by implication.