Malfunction: TRPWHSPS (that's a mouthful) is a military-esque RP set in a world where the Cold War did not end as we know it. Nuclear war broke out, everyone was bombing everyone, until the countries united to create The New World Order. The NWO was safety for the survivors who were affected by the effects of the war. Radiation was still an issue for the oncoming generations. It created mutations with certain abilities, now called Malfunctions. Malfunctions are identified during annual tests administered to children from ages 14-20. Once a child has been identified, they are promptly disowned by society and shipped off to a training facility, considering that they are not too dangerous. That is where this story take place. TEF-149 is the newest, state of the art [s]prison[/s] training facility for Malfunctions who may become of some use to society someday. The Malfunctions are trained to work as an elite military task force specifically to keep The New World Order safe. They will learn how to hone their abilities, work as a team, [s]mindlessly follow orders,[/s] and put the safety of citizens before their own. [color=6ecff6]Hi, I'm Discord. If this RP looks familiar, it's because it's been around for a while. The original RP didn't even get off the ground! ( ˘̩ ╭╮˘̩ ) So, I, and some others from the original, asked permission from the authors and are trying to start it up again! Things are going pretty slowly at the moment, so there's plenty of time/room for you to join in! Fair warning, I was very stupid at the beginning of the new thread and got into an argument with another user. It only took up four posts, though, so it's not a huge fight. I just wanted to warn you. I'm really sorry that that happened and that I was a part of it. I promise to never do it again. I can't say sorry enough, honest. I hope that you will not let that deter you from joining us. We really want to see this RP develop. Many thanks, Discord! [/color] Link to new thread!!: [url][/url] [color=6ecff6]PS: I didn't know how ironic the "Now With Added Friendship" was going to be, but I like it. (* ´>艸<)゛[/color]