[@thewizardguy][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Nightknight][@supertinyking] Damien couldn't help but stifle the cruel grin which flickered onto his face. Viral had been so easily taken off guard by even the simplest necromantic spells. Seeing their macho assailent crippled with sickness and dread, the strange mage and the fire-breathing demon were quickly inspired to revolt. Submission had never been their heart's desire, survival had. But, much like in Hell, survival meant obedience to a heirarchy of power... until that power faltered. Viral was cast from the side of the building, and Damien lowered his hand. Perhaps now he could make the acquaintence of the several, competent beings atop the human-built edifice. "Excellent. Now, where were we? I am Damien..." From somewhere down below, an unexpected shouting came up, "Allow me to show you your folly! I am Viral, representative of Lord Genome and the Spiral Empire! All who disobey will be erased from existence!" "Bloody Hells..." Damien cursed in a harsh whisper as he turned to face the side Viral had fallen from. What force of will was this? The fact that this life-encumbered creature could garner enough rage and willpower to resist his own magic was frankly disturbing. Damien was moderately surprised, but no less determined to dominate this unbridled animal. His brow furrowed darkly, and he mentally prepared the barrage of agony he would inflict upon Viral next. The giant robot, flew up, then down, and although he couldn't see it happen, Damien felt the shockwave from Enki kicking the building apart with his feet. A soft gasp escaped him as he felt the roof below him begin to accellerate downward. He was falling! There was no way he would be able to teleport fast enough.