[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc6699]Édouard Riviere[/color][/h1][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/f661f5756a93cfe3ec2ccac0b1613a38/tumblr_inline_mw096yjuAR1s73t47.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: On the Road[/center][hr][hr][color=cc6699]"Mon dieu!"[/color] Édouard exclaimed, seeing the jerky and the water. It was infinitely better than the dented cans of mush he'd been living off of for ages, though he couldn't help but give Amelia a bit of a slant eye. There was no reason for her to share the food with him. He certainly wouldn't have wanted to share with her. For a mere moment, he considered chucking the car battery at her, and taking the supplies... But if he was being honest with himself, that'd take a [i]lot[/i] of effort. He'd have to keep on walking, he wouldn't have Svetlana to follow him around and kiss the ground he walked on, and he couldn't use Amelia as a minion to gather supplies. She'd have to stay, for now. However, a dopey grin appeared on his face the instant he realized Svetlana and Amelia were going to let him drive. He cracked his knuckles, bounced up and down a bit on his feet, and tilted his head in both directions. Mentally ready to go, Édouard climbed into the front seat, only to bash his knee--the injured leg's one, mind you--against the door. [color=cc6699]"Merde! Merde! Brûle en l’enfer!"[/color] Rubbing his knee, Édouard slammed the door shut, and got the car running. Slamming his foot on the gas pedal, the car lurched forward, and Édouard moved over to the right side of the road. Despite it being the end of the world, old habits die hard. In France, he'd learned to drive on the right side, only drifting over to the left in order to give his tutor a heart attack. Most of his tutors ended up having heart attacks, funnily enough. [color=cc6699]"Où est-ce que nous allons?"[/color] Édouard asked, pushing the gas pedal harder and harder. He almost got a giddy joy out of seeing obstacles on the road, taking it as a challenge of his prowess as a driver. Of course, he wasn't [i]entirely[/i] stupid. As much as he wanted to go as fast as the car could, he knew it just wouldn't do. The main issue? He was reading his speed in KHM, rather than MPH. He frowned to himself, noticing that the speedometer appeared to be off. It told him that he was going 30, but to him, it felt more about 40. [color=cc6699]"Ça ne marche pas!"[/color] Édouard whined, whacking at the speedometer with his free hand, keeping the other on the wheel. First his thermometer didn't work, and now this? In one day, he had lost faith in any American measurement device. It must've been a side effect of their uncultured upbringing amongst an obesity epidemic. [hider=Translations]Mon dieu! = My god! Merde! Merde! Brûle en l’enfer! = Shit! Shit! Burn in hell! Où est-ce que nous allons? = Where are we going? Ça ne marche pas! = It doesn't work! [/hider][hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/0f5c1a56e77fcd6b8b07c71218c6092b/tumblr_inline_nuo6ps7dyt1qlt39u_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Rec Center[/center][hr][hr][color=00ff00]"No can do,"[/color] Jack replied, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. [color=00ff00]"Job description. Boyfriends gotta tease."[/color] But of course, he complied with her request, and merely watched her in silence. Most, he figured, would've been bored with ballet, finding it to be useless. But to him, it was the most valuable thing in the world. The little things, art and games, those were the things that kept them human. Otherwise, they weren't any different from those dead sons of bitches. In the midst of Tatiana's routine, a girl wheeled herself into the Rec Center. Jack tensed up slightly, still adjusting to seeing all of the new faces. However, he'd never met someone in a wheelchair who caused too much trouble. He relaxed slightly at her friendly greeting, glancing over at Tatiana briefly, still absorbed in her own routine. [color=00ff00]"Nah, you're not an intrudah...Unless, 'course, you went intru-dah-window...."[/color] He grinned widely, waiting for her to crack up at his pun. He held Tatiana close to him with his left hand, extending his right hand for the amputee. His warm, boyish smile on his face, the same one he had used with the victims he'd find and rescue as an officer. [color=00ff00]"Name's Jack Hudson. And this here is Tatiana Kovo,"[/color] he introduced, butchering his girlfriend's last name. [color=00ff00]"Pleasah to meet you."[/color]