As Mars said his piece Topaz she could feel the loneliness that she woke up with dissipate. She felt that Mars was kind, maybe troubled ,but kind person. [i]What did he say about powers? I don't have any that I can think of. UGHHHH THOOSE PEOPLE IN THE BOOTH BY THE BACK NEED TO BE QUIET I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK.[/i] While Topaz was thinking of questions she could hear someone start talking talking to mars. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] "[color=navy]Looks like you were on to something about Red, Mars. He is really trying to paint Blue as a bad guy and get the new gems on his side. He threatened one of the new gems who was screaming about him deceiving the others. Blue on the other hand remains an unknown, but at least they're not giving as much of a bad vibe as Red is,[/color]" [/quote] As Topaz heard this she made a face of disgust. She felt a but sick on the inside and considered grabbing on to Mars for support, she really hoped a fight would not arise from this Topaz may be nice but she still had eyes. [color=fff77a]"Why would someone threaten a gem? That's the lowest of the low. Do you think the lady could have just mistaken it for a threat? If gems are as powerful as you say it would be pretty stupid to threaten one."[/color] Topaz decided that she had only made one friend so far. A friend that she had no intention of letting go of.As Topaz thought of the possible outcomes, She overheard. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] "[color=navy]Mars. Red's coming over to Mohs Town. He said there was a gem energy heading from the Kindergarten to Mohs Town. It may be the gem you spoke to, or a corrupted gem. I'm coming to the town. I'll be right there![/color]" [/quote] [color=fff77a]"H-Hes coming here? I'm sure he is nice I mean your pretty nice."[/color] As Topaz stated this thought she looked at the ground. [color=fff77a]"So the lady in your ear thinks there is a chance he is coming for me"[/color] As Topaz pondered the several idea she worried more and more about herself and Mars. After touch him lifting her head back up she asked [color=fff77a]"So if i'm the gem you think I am, then I could fight him? Only if i have to ,but you think i have the power to defend myself and you?"[/color] She made eye contact [color=fff77a]"Could you please teach me to fight?" [/color] As Topaz said these words she knew she was willing and ready to fight Mars seemed to be the only person who knew or cared about her existence,and she was prepared to fight for that. [@Raijinslayer]