[hider=DEITY][b]Name:[/b] Mathis O'Reiley [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance: [/b] At 6'4 and strong built; Mathis is a very imposing man. The kind of man who appears as though he could be a remarkable threat but chooses not to be. His eyes match his hair in a dark brown and he keeps his hair cut short with a well groomed beard. While Caucasian, Mathis' skin is well tanned from his majority of time spent outside. His typical garb is one of simplicity, one he would try to blend into the surrounding area with, usually a simple shirt and pants of fabric spun by a local resident of wherever he currently is. [hider][img height=300]http://orig11.deviantart.net/64bc/f/2012/305/6/8/street_fighter_origins___gouken_by_alan_mcmillian-d5jpfoz.png[/img][/hider] [b]Identity: [/b] DEITY [b]Personality: [/b] Mathis has always, even from his childhood been a calm and pious man. He was the sort to seek the wisdom of others and always grow more. He is inquisitive yet patient, always seeking to understand two sides of a conflict, and attempt to compromise a solution for the good of all. For most of his life you could best describe him as a man of god, though which god you could never quite be sure. The calm, gently and generous spirit even to his own expense sometimes causes trouble though as he overextends what he can do with his mere human hands to try and better the world he was born into. Mathis' greatest flaw is his excess of mercy and forgiveness. The belief that even the cruelest and darkest of people are capable of forgiveness and redemption. Even to the point of defending his opponents on occasion in his attempts to aid them. For this reason, he has been taken advantage of and exploited by the cunning on multiple occasions. [b]Brief Backstory: [/b] Mathis was inquisitive from even his youth. The what of the world came easily to him with his sharp mind, but the why was always a hanging question. He developed an interest in philosophy and religion to try and explain away these questions of why people act the way they do, and how you can unite the world to a better way. Through much of his youth he prayed to, and sought wisdom from many different gods. However, every time he read through a holy book, every time he found a new religion, the greatest of disappointments struck. He found that the deity in question unworthy. A being that even if their claims to be the creator were true, they weren't worthy of worship due to arrogance, immorality or some other factor. Upon judging a god unworthy, Mathis moved on to seek another, more worthy god he could use to lead people away from this status quo of conflict. While the search for knowledge is good, action was also important to Mathis. He worked primarily in an international human rights organisation. He rides across the world righting whatever wrongs he can see, but always feeling his power is not enough, his reach not far enough to truly save everyone. [b]Your Wish: [/b] To lead the world into a new age of peace and cooperation. [b]Other: [/b] Merciful, Pious, self-righteous, Trusted too much, Stood on every continent [/hider]