​​[center][h2][color=paleturquoise]Emma Frost[/color][/h2][/center] ​​ [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/8802f410368b809e72c8f1973aef4cf8/tumblr_inline_mm3h6nPcsv1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [h3]​[color=paleturquoise]"​Clever as the devil and twice as pretty." ​~Holly Black​ [/color][/h3][/center] [center]​​[h3]​[color=paleturquoise]~General Information~[/color][/h3] [color=paleturquoise][b]Name:​[/b][/color] The White Queen ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Formal Name:​​[/b][/color] Emma Grace Frost ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Gender:[/b][/color]​ Female​ ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Age:​​[/b][/color] 25 [color=paleturquoise][b]Height:​​[/b][/color] ​​5'10" ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Weight:​​[/b][/color] ​​145 pounds ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Allegiance/ House:​ ​​House M​[/b][/color] ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Place Of Origin:​[/b][/color] East March ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Social Class:​ ​[/b][/color] Lady of East March ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Faith:​ [/b][/color] Officially, she keeps the Faith of the Seven, although if she truly believes in the Seven or not is a different matter entirely​ ​​[color=paleturquoise][b]What does your character desire most?:​​[/b][/color] Power [b]​[color=paleturquoise]Personal Philosophy:[/color][/b] ​ Survival of the fittest​ [b]​[color=paleturquoise]Notable Equipment & Weaponry:[/color][/b] A set of small, thin Myrish stilettos with intricately carved hilts studded with freshwater pearls, diamonds, and milky white crystals that can be disguised as ornate hairpins [h3]​[color=paleturquoise]~Skills~[/color][/h3] [list] [*]Manipulation-Emma is extremely skilled at manipulating others. She is very analytical and knows what makes people tick. As such, Emma is capable of "pushing all the right buttons" in order to get people to do what she wants. [*]Combat-although her combat skills are fairly limited, Emma is skilled in hand-to-hand combat against one or two adversaries and has trained with small, easily concealable blades, most notably the Myrish stiletto. Though she has never received any formal training with a sword or spear, Emma has telepathically absorbed some of these skills from knights and lords she met in the past [*]Sewing and embroidery-since she was raised as a noble lady of a wealthy house sworn to House M of East March, Emma was taught the "womanly arts" of singing, painting, and sewing. For some unknown reason, Emma excelled at sewing and embroidery, and she frequently makes use of these skills to sew objects (most often, weapons) into her clothing [/list] [h3]​[color=paleturquoise][b]A List of Powers/Spells attributes of your character:[/b][/color][/h3] [list] [*]Telepathy and other associated powers-reading thoughts, communicating with others via thoughts, controlling others with her mind, absorbing/transferring large amounts of information at one time, creating illusions and altering or completely erasing perceptions/memories/knowledge, producing telepathic blasts which can induce pain or knock out a person, etc [*]Diamond organic form-Emma is able to shift into solid diamond, and her strength, durability, and stamina increase significantly while in this form. Emma is unable to access her telepathy in this form, and other telepaths cannot read her thoughts. If she is rendered unconscious, Emma automatically reverts to her normal form [*]Multilingual-as a side effect of her telepathy, Emma can intuitively translate any language to the Common Tongue, so long as it is being spoken in front of her. Similarly, if someone is thinking in a different language, Emma can translate their thoughts to the Common Tongue inside her head. This does not apply for words written in a new language. [/list][/center] [center][h3][b]​[color=paleturquoise]~Relationship Information~[/color][/b][/h3] ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Relationship Status:​​[/b][/color] Married ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Sexuality: ​​[/b][/color]Heterosexual ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Partner:​ [/b][/color]Lord Scott Summers​ ​[color=paleturquoise]​​[b]Father: [/b][/color]Lord Winston Frost ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Mother: [/b][/color]Lady Hazel Frost ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Siblings: [/b][/color]Ser Christian Frost, Lady Adrienne Frost, Lady Cordelia Frost ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Pet/s: [/b][/color] none ​[color=paleturquoise][b]Other:[/b][/color][/center] [b]​[color=paleturquoise]Appearance-[/color][/b]Emma has a rather peachy complexion; she is neither porcelain pale nor dark-skinned enough to be considered tan in any way, shape, or form. She is tall and possesses a womanly figure, with wide hips and a narrow waist. Emma has ocean-blue eyes and blond hair that cascades down her back in waves. She is usually wearing white, as opposed to the yellow and blue of her house, and favors revealing, low-cut gowns of sheer ivory silk or cloth-of-silver fringed with Myrish lace or white fur. Emma also has a penchant for diamonds, and can be frequently seen wearing diamond jewelry or gowns with diamonds sewn into them. [center][hider=Gallery] Diamond form: ​[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZvfbEbJvLWI/UW3QikQMXLI/AAAAAAAAKic/YUxV83w0OWk/s1600/January-Jones-Emma-Frost-Diamond-Skin.jpeg​[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/e2e979e8ca9f918286351906f2b2583a/tumblr_ms0o8aeuuu1qb61c4o1_500.gif[/img] Gowns: [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/0b42bde34c4ed4081738d57f1d710ad9/tumblr_o1mi8nDeWx1rsdyc4o2_r1_500.jpg[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo3y7zLEKT1qf46efo1_500.jpg [/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/180383ff7b14e4618b960a24f0ef4590/tumblr_o6wql88Dhb1qldetwo1_400.jpg [/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/f4bd7e1de71eec7713aa07474ab3a980/tumblr_o6qwi0PUrQ1qldetwo1_400.jpg [/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/bdeaace0faad0740112bbb0da0ec504a/tumblr_o8nnak4eFW1qldetwo1_400.jpg [/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbmjtrLgl31rsdyc4o1_500.jpg [/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/91ec0c8a7df07e59b1b3d9917635d3b0/tumblr_n8ifjh7VRj1rsdyc4o1_500.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4a/b9/93/4ab9932b5cca2c90fb2a63f264926b61.jpg[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/4e6ed8a31ce2d836a01ec5555eac9a72/tumblr_nra2k9jgYq1rsdyc4o1_500.jpg [/img] ​​[/hider][/center] [color=paleturquoise][b]Biography[/b][/color]: House Frost originally had its seat in the snowy mountaintops of East March, but after it was awarded Eastport (Gulltown) during the Andal conquest, the lord of House Frost at the time moved his seat there. Since then, House Frost has ruled over Eastport, the biggest port city in East March. Many goods pass through Eastport, from the exotic spices of the Jade Sea to the fine wines of the Reach. Eastport is crucial to Eastmarch in the winter, when the passes through the mountains that separate Eastmarch from the Riverlands are closed. Emma Frost was the third child of Lord Winston, the lord of Eastport and House Frost, and Lady Hazel, the daughter of a powerful Lyseni merchant. Over the years, House Frost had grown extremely wealthy from the trade flowing through Eastport, and Lord Winston brought House Frost to the height of its power. He wed Hazel Irnah of Lys in order to secure a pact with the Lyseni merchants. Growing up, Emma found no love from her parents. Lady Hazel was distant and listless, while Lord Winston was intent on furthering his wealth and power through his children. As the eldest, Christian Frost would have been his first choice as heir, but Emma's ambitious sister Adrienne lied and manipulated in order to make her seem like the child most fit to inherit. It also helped that Christian was much too fond of wine and was drunk at least half of the time. Emma held no love for her father or Adrienne, but she was especially close to her brother Christian. Emma's powers first began to manifest when she was approximately ten years old. At first, she was frightened by them, but she gradually began to accept them and use them to her advantage. Emma was present for many of her father's negotiations with other lords or merchants, and she watched, listened, and learned as Lord Winston struck deals and forged alliances. When Lord Winston decided the time was right to name his heir, he picked Emma, rather than Adrienne, on the terms that Emma would marry a man of his choosing. He threatened to cut her off entirely if she would not comply. Emma managed to glean who the man was using her telepathy, and she refused, disgusted. That very night, she packed away some of her belongings-including a set of Myrish stilettos that her brother had given her, as well as a couple white gowns and a handful of diamonds-and stole away into the darkness. Emma was not foolish enough to believe that she would be safe going to some other lord or lady, for they would simply turn her over to her father. No, she would have to remain anonymous if she wanted to keep her freedom, and she would have to remain alert if she wanted to keep her jewels. Emma honed her telepathy as she traveled the roads and mountain passes of East March, with one destination in mind-the seat of House M in the Mountains of the Moon. She had decided that if she was to marry a man, she might as well marry a powerful man. Alex Summers, the heir to East March, was already married, but Scott Summers was merely courting a woman. That, Emma could work with. She made her move at a tourney held in honor of the Alex Summers's birthday. Being on the road alone for an extended period of time had allowed Emma to practice her telepathy on travelers, knights, and outlaws. She had also met another telepath who gave her instruction in a small town at the foot of the Mountains of the Moon named Astrid, only to wage a war on the astral plane with her after Emma leaned that Astrid intended on ransom her back to her father. Emma absorbed all of Astrid's knowledge of telepathy in the process, becoming quite adept at it, and she felt that she was ready to try something above her usual level. Emma dressed herself in a gown of sheer ivory silk, the bodice a deep V that reached past her ribcage and slashed with delicate Myrish lace, donned a strand of diamonds and pearls, and made her way to the seats reserved for the lords and ladies of East March, breezing past the guards with the help of her telepathy. There, she subtly began to telepathically manipulate Scott Summers, aided by her natural beauty (thanks to her Lyseni mother) and low-cut gown. In time, he asked for her hand in marriage, which Emma naturally accepted. It was there in the sept that they were wed that Emma revealed her true identity to the rest of House M and the lords and ladies of East March (Scott already knew), but there was not much that they could do about it. Emma was sure that her father would be both furious and impressed and Adrienne would be livid when they found out, but she realized that she did not care in the slightest. A year or so after her marriage, Scott confronted Emma about her powers. Emma was forced to admit that she had telepathically influenced Scott into loving her over Lady Jean Grey of House Grey. In response to this, Emma conceded to Scott learning how to resist being manipulated by telepaths, and Scott saw Emma's abilities as a means of furthering his own agenda. The two now work closely together to advance the power and influence of House M. Scott handles the meetings and banquets and official decrees, while Emma's dealings are behind closed doors and involve at least a hint of telepathic manipulation more often than not. [color=paleturquoise][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Emma tends to be a bit cool and aloof, with a certain haughtiness to her that stems from her upbringing as a lady of a wealthy house sworn to House M. She has always been ambitious and power-hungry, wanting to get away from her father and older sister. Everything about her radiates confidence and refinement, from her daringly low-cut gowns to the diamonds she wears at her throat. Emma is able to read people very easily, even without her telepathy, and does not find manipulating others terribly difficult either. Whether this is because of her telepathy or simply a side effect of her upbringing is hard to determine, but needless to say, her telepathy definitely gives her a huge advantage. She is not usually a very compassionate person, coming off as cold and uncaring. Indeed, she regards the smallfolk and lesser lords and ladies as below her, although she hides this very well in the presence of others. Emma has more than just a streak of ruthlessness in her-she is willing to scheme, manipulate, steal, and even kill to get what she wants. She holds no qualms against using her telepathy and mind-controlling others to achieve her goals. Sly, shrewd, and sneaky, Emma has clawed her way to the top and will do whatever she needs to ensure that she stays there. Outwardly, Emma appears calm and collected, full of coy smiles and coquettish glances and a borderline-snarky dry wit. She is willing to use whatever means of manipulation she has at her disposal, whether it be her telepathy, a suggestive smirk, or a revealing gown that only hints at what's underneath in order to gain the upper hand.