Victor made a proper mess of things on the stone gate and the walls at the top of the road. His HUD telling him that Natalie, Ross, Carl and Jenny were making their way up under his fire. The BlueSword Mercs who had come with them entering another hole in the wall to his left. He’s a one man destruction crew. Hammering rounds into the walls. Chasing the enemy back into their holes deeper inside the fort. He pulled up his GMG as he heard Natalie, “Alright ceasing heavy fire.” Carl smiled, “Well that’s fantastic I was getting worried.” He ducked out of cover, firing from the hip with his M249. Rounds sparking off the ground and on metal sheets around the inside of the fort. The inside of the base consisted of a large number of low squat buildings, made of mud brick and mortar, some of them up armored with pieces of steel stolen from construction sites. Or over-laid with corrugated steel sheets. It’s a warren, a last ditch effort kind of place everywhere. The last of this terrorist army are jumping into fall back positions, slipping into houses, disappearing into holes in the ground like cockroaches disappearing from the light. But despite this they still fought. The houses made amazing firing positions, offering multiple angles and over lapping fire oppurtunities. For the BlueSword mercs they need to get in cover. But it’s Victor, Natalie and the other Juggernauts who can wade into the battle. Victor used one more round to blow the two gate doors inward then almost casually walked right through the. The shower of rounds hitting him from small arms like 7.62 and 5.56 rounds weren’t so bad. He didn’t mind. But there is work to be done. Outside the base, Nolan was scoped in when he heard Andrew’s warning about an approaching vehicle. He moved his position over, getting an eye on it, “Must have been that APC we saw leave earlier. Coming back after their patrol.” He got into position, adjusted for wind, time of day and distance. He waited for abit, waited, let Andrew fire so the vehicle stopped. He then squeezed his trigger. Worked the bolt, squeezed and worked the bolt again and again. A trio of rounds in the air. A trio of targets being blown clear of the stopped BTR. He grinned broadly. Pulling his eye away from his rifle. It took him a moment or two to let out a soft groan of pain. His hand coming up to his brow, rubbing a curving line of red just above his eyebrow, “Fuck…I got scope bit. The hell I thought I was a professional!?” On the valley floor the Task Force from the Armies arrived. Grunts, Rangers and Marines forming up and starting to make their way up the mountain. It’s the General who gets on the horn to Natalie and Ross, they being the senior officers up there, “Captain, Major, Task Force Clean Up on site. Artillery will be set up momentarily, teams of Marines, Rangers and Soldiers are making their way up the pass as we speak! We have an AC-130 circling into air space in 10 minutes and will provide close support when on station. General Felix out for now. Channel 8 for support you two. Out.” [i][b]Time passes[/b][/i] The fight through the base is tough. BlueSword soldiers backing the two Super Heavies and the three Heavy Juggernauts up closely. It’s close quarters and brutal. The only wide through fair is a coverless lane that leads from the gate, up to a large administration building then hangs a sharp right heading towards the face of the mountain. The building having outstanding lines of fire down that main throughfare. Pretty much forcing all but Victor and Natalie to duck into the side streets and small paths between buildings. Which wasn’t much better really. The fighting in the back streets is house to house. Carefully making their way through, clearing buildings. Atleast once the occupants of building choose to firebomb the house when it looks like the BlueSword Mercs or a Juggernaut was about to take it. And thus came the rush to get out and away from the fire. This happened several times as the fight through the base continued. As the group made it’s way ever closer to the administration building the survivors of the firefights in the barracks and the side buildings ran to the admin building. Bolstering their defenses. The Juggernauts with back up soldiers knew they would have to either storm that admin building or make sure the enemies inside couldn’t use their open flank against them. It was eventually decided that Victor would do something spectacular. He cued up all his rockets on the base supports of the building. Then coupled with some withering suppressive fire from the other juggernauts and the BlueSword mercs he strode out into the middle of the street, braced himself, and unleashed every rocket in his pods that he had. He caused the lower half of the building to collapse on itself. And the upper half to partially cave in on itself. Trapping any survivors left inside. As the lead spearhead group of Juggernauts and mercs took the admin building the first elements of the Task Force from below reached the fort. And began to dig out any remaining insurgents behind the main team. But things took a turn for the surreal. When the Juggernaut team and the mercs were faced with a huge steel wall, built into the face of the mountain. The fort structure hid this from the outside. The drones never saw it. There’re more to the base. And the main problem. The wall, is armed. Two huge Bushmaster auto cannons turned out suddenly as well as gun ports that allowed insurgents in the mountain to fire down and into the group outside. There were fifty cal MGs pissing bad news out at them. Even Victor and Natalie had to duck into cover. Luckily it didn’t seem like they had any explosive ordanace besides the autocannons. Carl pressed himself up against some cover and shouted out over the radio, “Cap! What the hell do we do here? We can hit that thing all day and all night and then into the next day and night, and still not make a dent. No offense Major or to you Master Sergeant, but this is some heavy shit.” He ducked as one of the autocannons turned to bracket his position. The BlueSword Mercs with him jostling abit, trying to keep behind solid cover with that heavy gun hammering their position. Victor grunted leaning out then ducking back as a fifty drilled the corner of his building, “I have to agree. There is not a lot we can do against an armed wall of armor like this.” He checked his rocket pods, which were still undergoing auto reload after that devastating strike on the admin building. Not that he’d be able to safely use them at this point. He couldn’t give them a clear shot on the wall. He wasn’t even sure if they’d have any affect on the wall anyway, “Ideas? Anyone?” He twisted around the corner, and raised one of his shotgun and fired a few rounds up towards the top of the 40 foot wall, sending off a few rounds at the shooters up there. He ducked back into cover and pushed the people with him back a few steps as a fifty and one of the cannons rounded on his position. He grunted as masonry and bounced all around him, one large piece of stone pinging off the face plate of his helmet.