[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle Grayson [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=appearance] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca7f89b46eb53b5a3397d571c1471d7/tumblr_nhtggdLelZ1td8cquo1_r1_500.png[/img] [/hider] Kyles face hardened for a moment, then he calmed himself internally. Kyle flashed Kalinda a dirty look meaning, I know what you did and I don't like it, but played it off for everyone else. Kyle still was affected by Kalinda and he couldn't stop it, but his grandpa had given him special training to deal with abilities that affected the psyche. He didn't have any powers or gadgets to stop them, but he a few mental walls put up. Kyle gripped Kalindas arm a but tighter but moved on. Kyle, much calmer now thanks to Kalinda, looked over everyone in the class room. Kyles eyes rested on the man in front of him. [color=2e3192]"Zach huh? Nice to meet you,"[/color]Kyle said giving Zach a slight theatrical head bow[color=2e3192]," I am Kyle Grayson, the legendary Boy Wonder! Remember this moment, for in years to come you will hear my name on passing peoples lips and you shall say in response, God Damn I knew that sum bitch,"[/color]Kyle said with the last bit of his sentence said in a slight country accent. Kyle extended his left hand to Zach, his right still connected to Kalinda. [@caits][@katherinwinter]