[quote=@Byrd Man] So I started reading a book today that I think would appeal to the PoW crowd. It's called [url=https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017RQP41O/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1#nav-subnav]Underground Airlines[/url] and it's set in an alternate timeline where the Civil War never happened and slavery exists in the present day in four Southern states. A mystery book, it is fucked up and depressing, and hard to put down. I've torn through over half of it just today. [/quote] Vilage I think read something similar where a bunch of Apartheid southerners went back in time and gave Robert E. Lee modern weapons and nitro for his heart condition. I forget what it was called, I think it was Guns of our Fathers or something.