Cerdic glanced to the side in a grimace, as if the charging forces had annoyed him with their idea of a mass battle. His distraction nearly proved fatal, for he felt more than saw the lightning quick strike of Balgar. On instinct, he spun and his blade connected with the ornate sword in a shower of sparks. Balgar chuckled, and then jerked his sword forward. The blade turned ethereal and slipping through Cerdic's blade as if it was naught but mist, rending a jagged cut across his upper right pectoral and shoulder. The Sergeant cried out, then lashed with his blade, seeking to at least take a hit for a hit. His sword sliced through Balgar's armor, but without harming the Chosen. It was as if the Champion of Tzeentch was Ethereal himself. The Glyphs writhed even more as his sword attempted to connect. It was the armor. He let out a rasping cry and stepped backwards as Balgar began to press the advantage. [i]Sigmar, he's fast.[/i] Cerdic wasn't sure if he could beat Balgar in a fair duel, much less when he had such odds stacked against him. He nearly tripped into a Gor, and shoved the creature towards its commander. The Beastman was torn in two by a blow meant for an off balance Cerdic. The Champion stepped over the corpse, moving as inexorable as a change of the seasons. Cerdic was running out of room to maneuver. "Now you die." The Daemonhearted stated. [@Austronaut]