[@thewizardguy][@Wraithblade6][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Nightknight] [center][color=Cyan][h1][u]Cyano Conablum[/u][/h1][/color][/center] ... *knock knock* The sun would shine through the window of the Conablum Labs Arcadia branch. Cyano had built it over top of the old Alliance base, which, after the battle and subsequent surrender of their ground forces, she had had razed to the ground. The building she had built over it, while lacking the information that the main branch in her home universe contained, did have all the same capabilities. If on a smaller scale. Indeed, this particular building was much smaller. Befitting, considering how much interest she actually held in Arcadia. The only thing keeping her on this once wasteland being both a petty desire to end all the people who had annoyed her throughout her time here. And, the knowledge that if she pulled out, it was more then likely that the rest of them would follow and bring the fight to her. And, that was far, far too much work for her. Nope, it was simply better to dig out the problem at the root. And then burn it, root, problem, and anything tentatively connected to it, if the chances of a revenge seeker being among the recently deceased's friends or family was high enough. However, now was not the time to focus on that. The focus of this particular moment, was that incessant knocking! Cyano would be roused from her sleep. Off in front of her, a Television would be on, streaming movies from a multitude of universes. In truth, the whole reason she hadn't attended the peace treaty meeting was in fact because, with a whole multiverse full of various shows and movies, she had quite the backlog. And, surely they would understand if her multiversal movie marathon was of a higher priority then some silly meeting that would probably end in one of three ways. War between all factions, some new faction showing up with perfect timing, or the low chance everyone actually settled their differences and decided peace might actually be best. In truth, she was kind of hoping for war. War would make things so much easier. After all, it was what she had been doing the entire time. Purposefully holding back to prolong it, giving up space here, taking it back there. Gunning for the best position to strike directly at the head. Though, at the same time she had most certainly given up some opportunities to wipe out the other factions. After all, however much she wanted them dead, it was more work for her to try and go at it, and some days she simply didn't feel like leaving her room to go after them. I mea- *Knock knock* Again with the incessant knocking! Cyano had thought, if she could postpone it with a deluge of thoughts, perhaps they would simply go away. This, did not seem to be the case however. Pulling herself out of bed, she would be wearing the same clothes she had been wearing yesterday. And, the day before that. And, in fact, a year ago. In fact, if only because of the lack of wear and tear, and overall cleanliness of the clothes, one would probably think she had one of those closets full of the same outfit. But no, it was simply the same one. Changing was simply not worth her time after all. Either way, she would make her way over to the door. And, as she got ready to open it... *Knock Knock* The door would slam open, and in front of her would stand a scientist. This one in particular was supposed to be monitoring their troops out in the field, and informing her of when they were attacked and the like. And, in this case, he was doing exactly that. But, unfortunately for him, he had knocked one too many times. Within the flash of an eye, Cyano would have him by the throat, pushed up against the wall. Her Multitool pushed up against his head, and her hand ready to set it to sword mode, which would instantly puncture through the mans head, killing him. But, that push would not come. Instead, she would think about it for a moment. "Your lucky we aren't home. Otherwise, this would be a pretty painful moment, don't you think? Now, tell me. What's so important you have to go waking me up. What's so important, that it's made you so impatient, you have to knock [b]three whole times![/b]" As Cyano yelled, the scientist would only be able to let out a gulp, before just barely lifting his hand up enough for Cyano to be able to grab a sheet of paper from it. Grabbing it, she would drop the scientist. Who would quickly make himself scarce. Not that Cyano would care, the paper was far more important then the incompetence she had to deal with on a daily basis. And, indeed, what was written on that paper would take priority. [hr] It would be a little under an hour later, that Cyano would find herself just off the outskirts of Winnipeg. From the looks of it, the town was pretty much a bandit town. Though one burning and crumbling from battle. Looking around, she didn't remember ordering anyone to patrol around here. Which, obviously meant it was some underlings fault she was now out here, having to provide the extra fire power that the normal Alliance troops didn't have. She would need to fix that later. Or, at the very least phase out the alliances troops entirely and replace them with Outward. After all, the alliance troops had surrendered the moment their leaders were beaten. They were pretty much useless for anything besides fodder. But, well, warzone. Cyano would purge the thought from her mind, and immediately begin scanning for the nearest battle. Which... would not be hard to find, as an Alliance vehicle zoomed past her. The direction it came from, probably the way to go. She would make her way over there, out of sight, at a brisk but comfortable pace. It wasn't like their was much of a hurry now was there? But, anyways, a pace she would continue until she was situated in such a way that she could walk out right in front of the giant mech thing that was tearing through her troops and otherwise spreading general madness destruction and death. Looking at it, it really wasn't all that intimidating. Interesting, but not that intimidating. But... [color=gray][i]"Come then! Face me, humans! I will show you true combat!"[/i][/color] Hammy. Definitely hammy. Well, she would now be standing in front of him. She would look rather out of place among the troops. Her blue hair definitely being in contrast with the other alliance troops around her. She would have a look on her face, one that could be taken either as boredom, or as annoyance. Really, it depended on what whoever was looking at her thought. Not that she really cared. Drawing her sword, she would set it point down into her ground. She would click her tongue two or three times. Almost as if she was disappointed in the giant robot, before addressing it. "Hey, you there. Yes, you in the scary scary mech. I know it's probably not a good time and all, I mean, you seem to really be enjoying yourself with all this slaughter and whatnot. And hey, heeey, I get it, I enjoy myself a good slaughter too. And I know I would be [u][i]really[/i][/u] annoyed if someone got in my way but, I need to ask you one serious, very important question." With that, Cyano would draw her multitool out, and pull her sword from the ground. The look on her face was now very clearly one of annoyance. "Do you even so much as turn into a dinosaur? Or are you one of those boring robots? Hm?"