[color=82c6cf]'Teh-heh! Looking forward to it!'[/color] Kalmia happily replied to Claire's words, regarding the show which the girl was going to dazzle Isson with, before she turned to the next person. She nodded to Reiji's words that Riolu was perfect, with a bright smile. [color=82c6cf]'I suspected he might be~ You're welcome~'[/color] Kalmia smiled brightly at Martin's words that the trip was worth it. [color=82c6cf]'Every trip gives us something new. I'm happy you feel it was worth it~'[/color] She smirked and nodded to Lucian's thanks and words to that he and his Pokémon would accomplish a lot. [color=82c6cf]'I'm looking forward to hearing about it~'[/color] The Professor then heard the first part of what was interrupted. She giggled a little. [color=82c6cf]'I do, actually, but wait until everyone has gotten their Pokémon~'[/color] Ren said Kalmia was doing her a favour... [color=82c6cf]'Oh, this is no mere favour. I'm also confident that you can accomplish whatever your heart is set on, which is why I'm giving you the chance~! You're welcome~!'[/color] The Professor smiled happily at her, before turning to the next. Though, in the middle of turning to the next she suddenly got a Shinx jumping by her. Kalmia smirked, bending down to pat the little guy a little. [color=82c6cf]'There, there, I know, I know, but your new trainer's over there. I'm confident that you two will get along excellently, so take on the world for me, alright? And feel free to come visit me when you're done~'[/color] … And that should be about the time when Shyn was given his name. Kalmia nodded proudly to Donna, wondering perhaps if she shouldn't have spoken as much about her father when it was her journey starting, but eh! [color=82c6cf]'You're welcome!'[/color] Abigail said she'd make the most of this, and that the Professor should count on it. [color=82c6cf]'I will! I'm confident that you will! You're welcome~'[/color] Kalmia responded with a voice of happy confidence, smiling at her. Dawkin said he'd make his story one she wanted to hear. [color=82c6cf]'Oooh, now I'm excited. I'll remember you said that, you hear? Haha! You're welcome~'[/color] Kalmia laughed a little, smiling excitedly at Dawkin before turning to the next. And then Erika simply accepted her Pokémon, and Kalmia smiled happily and understandingly, her moment hers alone. _____ Jacques watched them each getting their Pokémon, and seeing each young hopeful filled with such excitement and happiness and various other emotions... He almost got teary-eyed. This was why he liked watching hopefuls at their important moments in life, they're always so full of emotion. He smiled sombrely, leaning his head forward a bit to hide his expression with his hat as one hand removed his glasses and the other dried up his slight tears. Oh, so emotional. … But it would appear one of them was approaching him. Jacques lifted his gaze, glasses in place, and met Dawkin with a proud smile and confident expression, before then hearing the request. He... wanted to see Jacques' starter Pokémon. [color=EF284F]'… Ah.'[/color] Jacques opened his mouth, still with the confident smile in place, but he was seemingly left slightly stunned by the request. [color=EF284F]'That's... the Pokémon I started as a Pokémon Trainer with...'[/color] … Jacques lifted his left hand and pulled his hat down over his eyes, his smile promptly turning upside down as he looked like he was considering his answer. [color=EF284F]'… Unfortunately, that is not possible. For that Pokémon is...'[/color] His voice trailed off. He wasn't able to continue. A couple more seconds would pass, where he stood rigid, unable to answer for an unspoken reason. [color=EF284F]'[b]… HOWEVER![/b]'[/color] Jacques lifted his head again, his eyes blazing with eagerness all of a sudden, his voice suddenly filled with vigour and pressure. His legs bent and made his stature lower, his left hand swiping from his hat, flashing over his clothing, and emerged on his right with a Pokéball in his hand, despite the hand seemingly not having entered any pockets or anything. [color=EF284F]'I can provide you the next best thing!'[/color] [color=EF284F]'Vivia, you might want to vacate that corner.'[/color] Jacques gave a friendly warning, his voice a lower pitch than before, and the assistant by the bookshelves flinched, eyes wide, attentive, and slightly panicked. [color=EF284F]'It's about to get tight.'[/color] … Upon these words of Jacques, Vivia nodded desperately and fled across the room to place herself next to the Professor's Slowpoke, which currently was staring what constitutes as a stare for a Slowpoke in the general direction of the faceplanted Winston, as if it felt a connection. [color=EF284F]'I don't know if seeing the end-goal will be good or detrimental to your inspiration... HOWEVER! Request, and you shall receive! Come, my comrade!'[/color] Jacques grinned his sinister smile, as he dropped the Pokéball onto the floor. A large flash shone, and from it emerged a large Pokémon. It stood on two, huge legs. It had a massive bulk, two-and-a-half meter in height and almost as wide, lined with orange rocks as armour. Two large arms with the colour of mountain were held, longer than to its elbow in length and strong in their appearance, with small holes in the palms. A large, club-like tail hit down into the floor behind it. And in its face, a large horn extruded like a drill... The beast flexed its arms, lifted its head and roared. [color=ff961f]'[b]RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior![/b]'[/color] The Pokémon roared. [hider=The Pokémon][img]http://i.imgur.com/APypyHh.png[/img][/hider] [color=82c6cf]'… Oy. Don't show off like that in front of the new trainers! This is their moment!'[/color] Kalmia complained lightly to Jacques. [color=EF284F]'He requested, who am I to deny? Fu-fu.'[/color] Jacques smirked proudly and poked his glasses in confidence, seemingly more than happy to take any moment. … Rhyperior was currently filling ALL the space in the right part of the lab, opposite of where the new trainers were receiving their Pokémon. [color=ff961f]'Rhy-rhy!'[/color] The Rhyperior sounded out with an amused expression, seemingly copying the laugh of its trainer as it lowered its arms to stand around more casually. [color=EF284F]'Anyways.'[/color] Jacques smiled at Dawkin as he lifted a hand and placed it gently on Rhyperior's arm. [color=EF284F]'This guy has been with me through thick and thin, from the time when I decided that I would take Pokémon seriously. They call me “The Servant of the Mountain”, and this guy is very much my mountain. He's seen me through countless obstacles, and I believe he'll see me through many more from here on as well. So while I cannot show you my starter, for I no longer posses it, I believe this should be the answer you were seeking, hm?'[/color] [color=ff961f]'Rhy-rhy!'[/color] The Rhyperior appeared to grin. Seems like it liked to show off, too, and was pretty happy with his trainer's praise for him... And since somebody is probably going to aim a Pokédex at him. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #464 – Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon. Evolving its intelligence further from Rhydon, Rhyperior uses the muscles in its arms to shoot rocks or Geodude as cannonballs from the holes in its palms. Its armour can withstand the force of a volcanic eruption.[/i][/color][/center] [color=82c6cf]'… Alright, now that this guy is done showing off, allow me to explain to you guys what the Pokédex does.'[/color] Kalmia said, intending on taking center stage again as everyone had gotten their Pokémon. Jacques and his Rhyperior stood on the side, watching the young trainers and their Pokémon while Kalmia talked. [color=82c6cf]'First and foremost, your Trainer Cards. They're your ID as a Pokémon Trainer, showing your name, index number as a Pokémon Trainer, a picture of you, the date you got your card, today, and it also shows how many badges you currently have. At the moment, that's zero. If you ever enter the Pokémon League, the Battle Dome or any Pokémon Contests, it will also show your results there.'[/color] Kalmia said. [color=82c6cf]'I took the liberty of inserting your new Trainer Cards into your Pokédexes, for the Pokédex won't function without it, but you can take it out when you need to show it or add a badge to it. It's in the back of the Pokédex.'[/color] (You know how the Pokédex looks like a Game Boy Advance? It's in the place where you'd insert a game cartridge. You may pick what colour yours is~) [color=82c6cf]'Your Pokédex has multiple functions. The main function is to give you information on every Pokémon you encounter and register the Pokémon you have caught. Scan a Pokémon by simply holding the Pokédex towards the Pokémon in question and press the scan-button. You'll be told information about said Pokémon, and by capturing the Pokémon you can also see its expected sizes, what moves it knows, what level it is, what types it is, where it is expected to live, all sorts of stuff. Note, Pokéballs needs to be registered to a person in order for them to function, and the Pokédex does that for you when your Trainer's Card is inserted. It's already linked to the PC as well, so any Pokémon beyond the six you're already carrying will be transported to the PC, and you can retrieve them at any Pokémon Center PC.'[/color] It is common knowledge that you can only have six Pokémon at you at any time. [color=82c6cf]'If you check the Pokédex, you can play the cries of a specific Pokémon you've previously caught. Use that as you wish. You can also use the Pokédex to find out where you might be able to find a specific Pokémon that you've scanned and want to catch... Or, well, you WOULD be able to do that, but the Pokédex has never existed in Isson and as such that data is not recorded. However, you can input it! So, if someone ELSE of you guys has inserted the data of where one might be able to find a specific Pokémon, then it will display on your map similarly! You can also supply each other with information about your previously caught Pokémon if you wish! Do help each other out~!'[/color] So no need for ALL of you to complete the Pokédex if you don't wish to, you can do it as a team. [color=82c6cf]'In addition. Since we are doing this on mission of the Pokémon Research Association, we're actually getting paid. For each Pokémon you catch, the data of where the Pokémon was encountered and such will be recorded, and a number of Pokédollars will be transferred to your accounts. Also, assuming you register a Pokémon trainer battle, you automatically get the winnings transferred to you should you win the battle. Really easy, and you don't lose anything by losing, so you don't have to worry about running out of money out there!'[/color] The Pokémon Association has to do SOMETHING so that Pokémon Trainers don't go broke out there. (… And please ignore the financial contradiction caused by not losing anything by being defeated. I feel you shouldn't have to fear getting into Pokémon battles for monetary reasons!) [color=82c6cf]'It's also a communicator that can be contacted by both phone and Pokégears as well as other Pokédexes. I took the liberty of inputting the contact information of all the other Pokédexes I've handed out today and to my own central Pokédex, but you can register any other people just as you wish. Give me a call anytime you're in trouble and need some advice! I'm not a Pokémon Professor for nothing!'[/color] Kalmia smirked happily, looking out over the new trainers. [color=82c6cf]'Any questions?'[/color]