Firebrand couldn't help but smiling as the machine went tumbling from sight. Maybe now he'd get an opportunity to catch his breath. Then there was a shout, and an impact, and the whole building shuttered and gave way beneath them. He fell for a moment, wings struggling to find purchase in the air, then spotted the less fortunate among them falling fast and hard. He'd heard that fish thing say something about having a way out, so he pointed himself downward and dived toward the human. Matching his speed he reached out with his feet and snatched the human out of the air by his shoulders, the demons wings slowly decreasing the speed of their descent. Finally they stopped and hovered in the air. Firebrand smiled down at him as the other demon flitted around like a ball of nervous energy, face stuck somewhere between absolute horror and fanboy glee. "Phase one went well enough." Firebrand said, "I certainly hope phase two wasn't 'die like men,' because from the look of that glow he plans to kill us like ants." He reached up tenderly with his ruined hand and it just sufficed to pull the chain of his Claw Talisman from around his neck and pass it off to the young demon at his side. The demon looked confused, until Firebrand pointed down at the human. The demon nodded, dropped down, and placed the talisman around the humans neck like it was bestowing an award. The effect was instantaneous as the man felt whatever it was inside that told him he could do magic surge, doubling in potency. "Cast them if you've got them my friend." Firebrand said. "I'll try and keep you safe as best I can." [@Wraithblade6][@Absolis][@Nightknight][@supertinyking][@Absolis]