[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] WIP (Can add more company names upon request) [hider=NATION APPLICATION] [center][img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/af1aed74-4683-4290-995e-514fc52c4b38.png[/img][/center] [b]Name's Official Name[/b]: Republic of Greater Estalia [b]Nation's Government[/b]: The Estalian people choose representatives to be on the Senate from a couple of different parties. The parties then pick a senators to represent them in the election for Prime Minister who is voted in by the people. The senate also acts as the highest judicial court in the land and thus also acts as the Supreme Court. The current major parties are the Estalian People's Party (Liberal) and the Conservative Party of Estalia (Conservative). [b]Head of State[/b]: Prime Minister Sabino Vecaplia de Ambarosa(47) [b]Nation's Description[/b]: (Cultural, geographic, military) [b]Desired Location[/b]: That Iberia-looking peninsula on the east coast. [b]Major Arms Company Name[/b]: Demarizi Heavy Industries [b]Major Naval Shipping Company Name[/b]: Higismund Logistics [b]Major Industrial Company Name[/b]: Triumvirate Corperation (TriCorp) [b]Nation's Major Bolt-Action Rifle[/b]: M1901 Carnaliso Service Rifle [b]Nation's Primary Artillery Piece[/b]: 45mm Renaldo Mountain Gun [/hider] [/quote] Post this in the "Characters" slot, you've been accepted.