[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@Pirouette] Hmm, it seemed like quite a few people had some cool looking pokemon. Erika has a Snorunt - she was completely jealous, Snorunts were cool. Her mom had one - well a Froslass. A Riolu...meh. She honestly wasn't all that interested in fighting types herself. While she [i]did[/i] like Medi most fighting types were...not entirely fabulous. Though, she supposed as far as fighting types went, Riolu was alright. Ren had a Shinx, and she was once again, totally jealous. That little thing was just adorable looking and she wanted to cuddle it. Considering the owners disposition though, that was...eeeh, bad idea. And a houndour. Fire pokemon also weren't entirely her favorite, though she admittedly had a soft spot for Fletchling. That little bird was adorable. The rest of the trainers pokemon Claire either didn't recognize or take much interest in. Not that she got much time to take interest in all of them. [color=ff961f]'[b]RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior![/b]'[/color] The sound caught both Claire and Ralia off guard, causing the redhead to jump slightly. The little Ralts in her arms held its little hands to the side of its head, almost as if it was trying to block out some ridiculously loud noise or try and futilely get rid of a headache. It was certainly a good looking pokemon, fitting of someone from the Elite Four. She was definitely glad she hadn't gone off on that tangent and challenged him to a battle - that would have definitely ended badly for her fabulous self. More importantly though, Kalmia was saying something that was probably important. Trainer cards? She fiddled with the pokedex for a few moments before finding it and taking it out. Yep, hers was there in the pokedex, and of course she had a fabulous photo of her on there. No badges hmm? She'd have to fix that ASAP. Wasn't there a gym in Pureplain? Stupid idea, she'd need something more than Ralia for that probably...hmm... Kalmia then continued about the Pokedex Itself. Claire made sure to at least pay some attention to the professor instead of completely drowning her out like earlier. A lot of technical stuff that went over Claire's head, but she understood the gist of it. Point it at pokemon, scan, get info about them. Which means - she should start by scanning all of the Pokemon present in the room, right? That would be a definitely good start...asking Jaques to show her all of his pokemon seemed like a really good idea now! It also served as a communicator and phone, much like her old Holo Caster would have. And catching pokemon and winning battles earned her money too...not that money was really an issue for her if she absolutely needed it but it'd feel kinda like cheating if she just took all of her money from her parents despite the fact they'd probably gladly give it. She wanted to earn everything on her own, after all. And soon enough, Kalmia had finished explaining the pokedex, asking if they had any questions. Claire had none. She honestly just wanted to get right to Route 2 and the infested woods so she could find some cool pokemon. [color=#d3381c]"Nope, I'm good here Professor."[/color] Claire replied, Ralia echoing her thoughts by giving the professor a bright smile and friendly wave. For now, Claire began scanning every pokemon present in the room. The Nincada, Riolu, Shinx - all of them. It was a quick and easy process mostly, and the Pokedex was swift to log them. After that was done, it was probably time they should get going, shouldn't they? It didn't seem like there was much else that they were needed for here. Hmm...traveling alone would actually be kinda boring now that she thought about it. While certainly she didn't mind since it'd mean she could go her own pace without having to worry about being slowed down by others...hmm. Her head turned to Erika and her Snorunt. She was at least friendlier seeming than Ren was, and she didn't feel like making acquaintances with everyone. She wanted to get right to route two. So Claire quietly walked over to Erika, careful to be quiet so that she didn't interrupt the professor if she continued talking. though Ralia hopped out of her arms and landed gracefully on the ground following behind her legs. [color=#d3381c]"Hey Erika."[/color] Claire greeted her again with a bright grin. [color=#d3381c]"So, so, After this I was thinking about heading right to route 2! Wanna come with? I dunno what kind of pokemon are there, but the Infested Woods sounds like a cool place to find some pokemon."[/color] Ralia, though, simply observed the Snorunt from behind Claire's legs before quietly moving behind it...and poking it on its back. If or as soon as it turned around, Ralia would swiftly turn as well just so that she could stay behind Snorunt in an attempt to not be seen.