As the sun began to rise Richard brought the weary group to a halt for a much needed rest. The group was smaller and even more ragged than before. The important thing though was that they were alive, and Richard was thankful for that much. It was necessary to keep your victories in mind, even if they were seemingly insignificant. He stayed posted as the look out while the others rested. After a moment he noticed Rin and then Marcus. They started out away from the group near the rear but slowly came closer. [hr] Rin gradually came out of hiding and approached the group. Exhaustion was rapidly overtaking her and it showed in her body language. This made it even more difficult for her to be alert and prepared. To her it seemed the fight was over for the time being and she could let herself breath. That was a mistake. Out of the woods rushed a lone enemy soldier. He had been watching and waiting for a good opportunity, and a obviously exhausted Rin seemed like the perfect prey. Luckily for her the man was out of ammunition and had to resort to using his knife. A last bit of adrenaline pumped through her veins and countless hours of drills finally paid off. Turning quickly she dodged his attack. When he attempted to strike again she caught his arm and broke the knife free from his hand then twisted him around and pinned him to the ground under her knee.