[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: On the back of the truck.[/center] [hr] With the supplies safely inside the truck and she ‘safely’ on the back of the truck, Amelia seemingly like Svetlana had the ‘Just get going’ kind of look. She wanted to go before the walkers reached them and she felt her heart skip a beat in joy as they started to go. She then tried to find as good place to grip at so she doesn’t rock left and right in case of turns. [color=8dc73f] “Juste conduire, nous allons trouver quelque chose par la suite.”[/color] She said rather loud, but realized they probably couldn’t hear her from inside the truck. That was rather unfortunate as she realized when the truck started to speed up rather more than she was used to.[color=8dc73f]” Slow down!” [/color]She called, but knew full well they won’t hear her. That’s why without much other choice, she sat down at the middle, leaning onto the main part of the truck and still holding onto the edges in fear Ed might try to do some random turn. [i][color=8dc73f]‘So far so good. At least they haven’t tried to kill or/and rape me yet....’[/color][/i] She thought shuddering at the mere thoughts of those memories. Ed and Svetlana seemed like okey people. Sveltana seemed like a very capable woman and while she was constantly giving her the evil eye of suspicion, Amelia kind of felt at least somewhat okey in her company. Ed was a whole other story though, he was completely strange and bizarre for Amelia. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking or why he was acting that way.[i][color=8dc73f]’ Maybe it’s because he’s French?’[/color][/i] She thought and pulled a water bottle from her backpack to drink a little. [hider=translation] Juste conduire, nous allons trouver quelque chose par la suite.= Just drive, we will find something eventually. [/hider]