Eighteen years ago, there was a never before seen meteorological event; a widespread show of lights was seen over the coastal city of Greenbriar. A cause for the event was never discovered, but for two years after, the effects were difficult not to correlate. Over ninety percent of pregnancies in Greenbriar in the following two years ended in miscarriage, still birth, or sickly children who lived short lives. You are one of the few exceptions. You graduate today from Greenbriar High’s smallest graduating class since the city was founded. And that night, as you all celebrate your next step into adulthood, the lights come back into the sky. Over the next few days, you will begin to discover the powers you have been endowed with. This will be a super power RP, with the fun little twist that you do not get to decide your own power. It will be given to you by myself or a GM(my own character’s power will be decided by a vote from the rest of you!). A quick note about posting standard: there is none for size, but I would like to see basic spelling and grammar adhered to. If it's a weak spot for you, don't sweat it too much as long as you're willing to hear me out when I correct you on it(which I will do gently, and privately). If you are offended or annoyed about being corrected, this is not the RP for you. Also please do not apply if you are not willing to play with whatever power is assigned to you. CS: Name: Appearance: No anime, but anything else goes. Add in clothing style, not just a single outfit. Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Background: as all characters are similar age and from the same town, focus on family life and the like. Greenbriar, Oregon is a coastal town, but by no means is it a bustling port city. The city’s western edge sits right on a stony cliff that overlooks a stark, rocky beach. At high tide the water crashes all the way against the cliff wall, smashing everything and washing away the debris. The town is middling in size, and is sometimes seen as a quirky “downtown” to nearby Riverview, which brings in a lot of business from out of town shoppers. Most businesses are small and local, and many residents commute to Riverview, or further. Many townsfolk take pride in the fact that there is no Walmart in the city limits, and the local Starbucks doesn't do as well as Cliffside Cafe. Locales: Beach Street: A street that runs parallel the the cliff. It is the home of many a vintage clothing store, antique shop, and pleasant family owned restaurant. It also features many of the towns oldest buildings, including the courthouse, sheriff's department and mayor’s office Cliffside Cafe: A pleasant coffee shop on Beach Street, owned by a local family. It sits right on the cliff, and has both inside and outside seating that have a direct view over the beach and the sea beyond. Greenbriar High School: Only six years old, before it was built, students had to catch a bus into Riverview from ninth grade onward. It's a handsome building, with up to date teaching and learning tools, but it only accommodates a thousand students. Riverview Towne Centre: The closest mall, a twenty minute drive at the worst. If you want name brand clothes, it's the only place to go. Many local hipsters scoff at going to the mall, but a wardrobe from only the local small businesses would cost a fortune.