Desaius Desaius nodded but couldn't let it go, peering over his shoulder, he reluctantly followed the Beta female back towards the dens. His curiosity wanted to take over, but he had to listen to his Beta's orders. Desaius lowered his head and walked beside Lila when suddenly he heard Kai's distant howl, letting the pack know they were in pursuit of their prey. Smiling, he glanced over at Lila and mumbled, [b]"That boy sure makes quick work of a hunt."[/b] Shadow & Kai As Tikanni went after the the old goat in question, both Shadow and Kai crouched and sprang after it as well, Kai letting out a long howl. Shadow realizes the goat getting much closer to her as it tries escaping Tikanni, snarling and snapping at the goat, forcing it the only way it can go. Down the cliff. Gritting her teeth, Shadow dives down the cliffs after it not particularly watching her step, eyes focused on the goats rear. Kai followed shortly behind Tikanni in pursuit.