Martin was impressed by the wide variety of Pokemon. Looks like everyone else had the same idea. Skip the reading and get right into the best part, seeing your own Pokemon. He took out his Pokedex to scan all of the starting Pokemon. Looks like Ground was a common type, poor Shinx didn't stand a chance. Still, there was a lack of poison or ghost types. Martin was kind of hoping to spot at least one of them, they were cool to look at. That just means he will have to add them to his team later. He looked at his Nincada, now he was pumped to get started. This lab was already starting to fill when Jacque decided here was a good place to show his Pokemon. With a flash of red light, a gigantic orange rock showed up. it immediately roared it's name, [color=fff200]"RRRRHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY... perior!"[/color] Nincada was trying to figure out what was going on. All it understood was it was suddenly loud and that something big was there. It was trying to back itself away from the irritating source of the noise. He responded with some kind of shriek in confusion. Martin covered his ears from now two Pokemon yelling. He had to stop and comfort Nincada, guess the little guy isn't a fan of sudden loud noises. That, and this bug is really loud. Martin grabbed his Pokedex, what was this thing? The thing said it was a Rhyperior, so a ground/rock type. Now he was sure Ground was real popular around here. Kalmia already was talking again, the first few lines lost to Martin thinking of what to do next. This thing can make the sounds of the Pokemon? Well, that could actually be used as a good lure for future Pokemon, after he caught one of them anyways. Let's see, you can map spots you find them, and share them. That could be pretty useful, easier to work together to find them all rather than everyone running their own direction. The pay was actually an interesting thing. Guess that covers how they were to self fund this journey. Got to buy Pokeballs to catch Pokemon to get paid, to buy more. There even was incentive to beat other Trainers, with no penalty for losing. This thing already was a technological marvel, but it still had even more things it could. Phones and digital storage, along with Trainer Cards linking everything to you... Martins head was spinning from how long this list of things was becoming. How can you possibly put this much stuff in such a small thing? It was for the best to put it in his pocket for now. Yes, absolutely he had a lot of questions, but he didn't want to be that guy to question everything. Instead, he asked a question he felt was a much better choice. [color=00aeef]"I have only one question. Which Route would you suggest to go down first, Route 1 or 2?"[/color]