As the bell rang, Mimic strode into the classroom, glancing over the class and noting that some students weren't in the room yet, he gave a sigh, but that was to be expected on the first day. He'd just have to make sure they didn't make a habit of it. On his wrist was a watch like appliance, although it was clear that it was not a watch. If anyone had been paying attention while walking the school grounds, they would have seen that every teacher wore one of these. Yet another example of the new security measures in the academy. Mimic made no reference to it, as he addressed the class. "Power development is a compulsary class. That means you cannot drop out of it. The name can be misleading, many people think it is about developing your powers and some of you don't particularly have those extra powers, but have other skills and don't think you should be doing this. That is a common misconception. In power development we develop your skills, not just your powers, as well as your super identities. Here, we learn what it is to be a super and how to stay hidden in the world." He looked over the class, recognising some students from the previous year, and new faces. The rumors obviously hadn't detered students from coming, which was always a good sign. Still, they had to be trained, and that was his job. "Today, I will be testing your abilities, and that means you shall be fighting me. I don't expect any of you to win, nor do I expect we will get through this today. This is merely my way of learning what you can do, and how to develop your skills and abilities. However, I have been surprised before." He looked over the class again, "Some of you have done this before, and know what to expect. However, there has been a break and it will be interesting to see how you have developed over that. Today though, the new students shall have a go. Feel free to offer your experiences, for now, who wishes to go first?" [hr] [@Spriggs27][@RumikoOhara][@Avanhelsing] Phoebe looked over to emily and said "it's actually a common misconception that you need powers to be in power development. I think the name should be changed to super development or something. It's more about developing your skills and abilities then it is about powers. The dorms are just around by the cafeteria, but we really should get to class" She said "I can show you around later, if you'd like" She smiled at Tsura, and said "don't worry. there were times when I didn't have full control over my powers. Now though I have better control over them, and have expanded my abilities. Part of that is having my mother teach me, but the school helped too." She said She looked back to Emily and said "there are a few students without powers that have developed their other skills through power development. I'm sure you will meet them soon. But as I said, even if you don't see the point of attending the class, it is compulsary for all students" [hr] Back in his office, Bruce paced the length of it. Clark however watched the monitors, the constant survallance over the grounds flickering over them, the constant data from the security measures rolling over the screen. Half of it he didn't know what it meant, but that was why Tony was there. Tony was standing at a monitor, eyes darting across the screen as the data rolled over it. They expected an attack today, to follow the hacking in the early hours. The monitors flashed blue, and Starks fingers flew across the keyboard faster then Clark could follow, but it had the effect to stop Bruce from pacing, approaching a monitor as well. On their wrists, the screens flashed blue as well, an indictor to teachers in classes that there was a minor breach, and to be aware of something more serious. [hr] Connor made his way to power development, troubled. Listening as Mimic spoke, He couldn't help a chuckle, as he remembered the first day of class last year. He doubted that trick would work again, but he now at least had some indication of how to fight, even if he wasn't particularly good at it yet. [hr] [@dabombjk][@KatherinWinter] Kalinda caught the flash of annoyance, but merely smiled. How could she explain that, while she had control, so many strong emotions might cause her to...lose control and her powers were stronger with higher emotional strength. She was purely being selfish, while trying to help. She sent a flash of caution, with a little bit of fear when Kyle gripped her arm tighter, before dispersing it. In otherwords, she was trying to tell Kyle that it was purely for her benefit. "He's wonder Junior, really" She said, "and seems to be prone to theatrics, that are quite entertaining" She added, before saying to Zack and Griffin, "I'm glad, I would have missed you guys"