[img]http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png[/img] [b]Tagress: Hospital[/b] One corner, two corners, patter patter patter, gasps here, gasps there. A third corner, patter patter, a metal cart crashing to the floor. A fourth corner. Trixie whipped her head over her bare shoulder. Her entire body heaved with each breath, threatening to collapse to the floor. Hands clutching her bent knees, the prankster listened on the conversations filling the corridor she had just narrowly escaped. Lots of old ladies rabbling, some papers being rustled - but no horrible groaning noises. Trixie released the biggest sigh of relief in her entire life. "Ah, I should - I should probably hide..." Tiptoing about, Trixie pittered and pattered between doors, both open and closed. She rejected them left and right; too many people to give away her spot, too 'vacant', too smelly. There was one door, however, where she— "Amy, what are you doing!? You gotta get up, it's like sun-is-shining o'clock! A mummy's coming and- and she's gonna eat your socks off! ... You are wearing socks, right." [img]http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png[/img] Amy sat atop her bed, with her back against a wall and her pillow propped as a cushion. Her gem rested in her palms - resting and resting, just as she had been. No fancy lights or auras, not for the last few days. Her soft fingers brushed along the gem's surface. Like Dylan and others who were exhausted of their magic, she needed all the time she could get to recuperate. The cleric had taken to a solitary room, just as she had demanded once she was awake and competent enough to make demands. All was tranquil - until Trixie burst into her room and clung onto the edges of her mattress. But Amy winced not. Her drooping eyes remained on her gem. Stroking, softly stroking it, cherishing its delicacy like one would a newborn. Trixie winced in her place. Amy's desired silence was not well-received. "Amy, what's wrong? Amy?" the prankster scuttled from the foot of her mattress towards where Amy rested. "Amy?" After another empty pause, Trixie slid her hand atop the blanket, reaching for the woman's arm. "Amy?" "It's hurt, Trixie." Her voice was soft. Too soft. Trixie's fingers wrapped around the woman's thin wrist. "What is?" "My gem. It's hurt." "Hurt? Huh?" the younger tugged on the older's wrist as she loomed over the mattress. "Wait lemme—Ames! What, what happened!?" Trixie stared at the woman with furrowed brows. "How come you didn't... tell me earlier?" She shook her head, then letting go of Amy entirely. The woman resumed her gentle petting. "Well I mean - that's okay." Trixie took a deep breath. "We can get it fixed." The stroking stopped again. "What?" Amy lifted her eyes to meet those of Trixie, who bobbed her head in honest enthusiasm. "Trixie, this isn't..." She chuckled, turning away from the younger. "This isn't something you could just... I could've... I wasn't careful and I..." "Gurl!" Trixie snapped. No way was she hearing any of this negative nonsense, nope. "Gurl, you were still able to heal us and protect us and stuff, right? So it's okay! Even if we can't get it fixed." She pounced back to the cleric's side and began to shake her shoulder. With her free hand she pointed all over various areas on her own face. "I mean look! The nice ladies here put bandages over the cut on my face - this one right here? They tried to put it over my nose but I told them not to. Cuz then I wouldn't be able to breathe right. And see, look, the cut's getting better!" She beamed, a smile wide as a clown's. Something Amy did not appreciate. "So, so maybe your gem's like that too. Since, yaknow, you said it can't get fixed. Maybe it'll just fix itself on its own. I could - I could give it one of my bandages, if you want! I have lots, I don't need this much." "...what is this, like a moral or some shit?" "Yay, you're back to normal!" Oh was Trixie so lucky Amy did not feel like moving. So damned lucky. "Are you done yet? Will you get out?" "Ummm, sure I can." On cue, Trixie trotted back to the exit, but froze in the doorway. She spun on a single bare foot to face Amy again. "Wait, no, I can't. I just remembered, cuz if I go back out there, the mummy's gonna eat me and I'll—OH MY MOCHI AMY DON'T THROW SHARP THINGS AT ME! I DON'T LIKE SHARP THINGS!" The door slammed. In out in out in out. A final inhalation, a deep exhalation. "Hoo. Okay. So. I think I got it." Trixie plucked herself off the door, but hunched over as she pattered about once more, carefully avoiding whatever funny silver stuff Amy had thrown at her. Now all she needed was some bait. And maybe someone to help her out with a raid. Once more she began peering into rooms left and right, not for a hiding spot, but looking for any particular individuals willing to join her. She had to set [i]something[/i] up before that creep spawned on her again...!