[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Vocab] Only if you actually post. All I'm going to say that as of right now, the main emphasis of the RP is on armies not navies. Depending on how far this RP gets I might to some stuff and allow for navies and properly naval stuff but for now focus on posts involving land armies. [@POOHEAD189][@TemplarKnight07] I just had a random thought stemming from this but what are your stances on having other people being able to use the Underground? Is it something just Rodents/Dwarves/Orruks can use or can everyone use it? [/quote] Anyone could use the tunnels, the Under-Republic spans across a large section of the Underground and it patrols some major arteries like the Ratway and some of the other major tunnels between Rodent settlements, but not even they keep ALL of the tunnels regularly patrolled, in a bunch of places they'll be lucky to see a Vermin patrol once a year for "cleaning". And the Rodents are mostly Dwarf of Human-sized (the Rattus Giganti are the ones who dig out the tunnels besides slaves), so the tunnels that aren't merely naturally occurring are usually big enough for most other races. They just have to find the ways down and bring lighting, since most of the lesser used tunnels are not perpetually lit. I will note that the major entrances to the Underground, such as Petrus' Maw (the biggest controlled by the Under-Republic) are protected and guarded, but otherwise smaller entrances can be found all over, and although some clans may guard them, not all of them are, and not all of them anywhere near to the extent of of the major openings.