The combined stress of school, investigating a possible demon mastermind, and now training both body and spirit energy was something Kurama quietly believed too much for Botan to tackle all at once. He was glad to be wrong. Botan may have been exhausted by the end of each day, but in the morning she had been ready and willing to tackle that day’s challenges. Schoolwork was steadily becoming easier for her to grasp, though she did seem to get nervous if he had to step away for any reason. Without him beside her, the problems had become frightening—even more than before—and they sounded like a foreign language without him there to translate. It was all worth the struggle to see her face light up with realization before jotting down her answer and looking to him, eyes searching for approval. He had given her that in different forms; a smile, nod, even a verbal confirmation that she had solved the problem and was prepared to move on—all of which she seemed to value. Positive reinforcement worked wonders for her, which was something Kurama had noticed early into their tutoring sessions. Without it Botan seemed to wonder what he had thought in different cues, such as verbal pauses or glances from the corner of her eye. None had gone unnoticed. Because of her desire to be watched as she succeeded, he had tried to be present with her through everything they had tackled together. In the case of her quiet confusion, he was always watching her body language when she had begun to struggle. His eye for detail was, arguably, the best out of the former Team Urameshi, so hiding stress was challenging, not that Botan tried to. In fact, she was rarely one to hide anything from him. That was something he tried to share with her, both as a friend and a new mentor. Kurama had never lied to her when he told her she had made improvement in the last few days of her training. No matter how small it appeared to her, progress was progress. It had surprised her when he had mentioned that the Legendary Bandit Yoko Kurama had started somewhere, too; he had been no stronger than she was in the past, but hard work had given him the results he desired. Yoko Kurama earned his strength rather than simply ask for it, like in the case of the Toguro Brothers. He looked her in the eye and told her that she, too, could become strong like Yoko was. Strange as it must have sounded talking in third person, Kurama believed that Botan understood his feelings on her development, but it was up to her to believe him, just as he believed in her. Introducing her to a local fitness center had provided them both the use of weights, while the neighborhood surrounding his home was ideal for an afternoon jog. Traffic was minimal in the evening hours, and when they returned home and washed up Shiori had dinner prepared. As this went on, Kurama had started to wonder if his style of teaching wasn’t going to indirectly harm Botan in the long run. As much as he would like to be there for her at all times, there would come times where he couldn’t be there. Something would get in the way of their being together: additional responsibilities at school, Koenma needing Botan’s aid in his office, sickness of some kind—just to name a few of the very real possibilities. It wasn’t beneficial for him to be thinking about them and distracting himself from the present, but still he did it. It was that thinking that had him raise the idea of spending time at Genkai’s temple who, last he heard, had been keeping a close watch over Yukina, possibly as another apprentice in some hidden art that only Genkai knew of. Botan was in full agreement and, with a word to mother about going to see a couple old friends after class Friday, the two had set out. They had arrived in good spirits, though Kurama could have sworn he felt Botan’s spirit energy sink slightly after she had seen the steps that led to Genkai’s temple. It didn’t last long. She had chosen to summon her oar and render the opportunity to get additional exercise useless. He guessed that she believed herself deserving of a pass, and for a moment he agreed with her, only in the very next moment to believe that it might be a mistake. One glance at the arduous path could break anyone’s spirits, most of all a reaper just beginning to take training seriously. Genkai wouldn’t have given Yusuke any sort of pass, he was confident enough to believe that as fact. The old master—now turned young—was notoriously harsh on those she saw the most potential in. Yusuke could handle this trek with ease. Botan on the other hand still had her limits. As they began their ascent together, Kurama’s thoughts did not cease the comparisons being created. Botan was not Yusuke and demanded a different temperament to her progress. He was certain she needed someone to help shoulder her burden, rather than force her to carry it on her own. What worked on Yusuke from Genkai could not work on Botan from himself. But if that were false, and he was looking at this the wrong way, then he was actually stopping Botan from gaining more experience in the short amount of time they had. The harsh methods Genkai utilized were proven to be effective. Without her pushing Yusuke to the extent of his human limits, he may never have ended up being able to go toe-to-toe against Toguro, and may have even lost additional rounds leading up to that final, climactic match. Facing facts as he figured them, Kurama was proud of Botan, which went without saying. But how far could he push her before she folded under the pressure of his teachings that, while not as extreme, were just as sweat-inducing and draining as Genkai’s own? She simply wasn’t cut from the same cloth. Even worse, what if she had lost faith in him and called it quits? He couldn’t bear the thought of fracturing their relationship by pressing her far more than she could handle, but luckily he wouldn’t have to. He could see the rooftop of Genkai’s temple as the final handful of steps were taken. Just ahead, the doors leading inside were already parted, and from where he stood Kurama could just make out the outlines of a couple familiar faces: Yukina and Genkai herself, the latter of which had an impressive ‘makeover’ after the end of the tournament, courtesy of Koenma. Botan hustled inside, leaving him to follow behind at a far less eager pace. He had bowed after Botan had, but had chosen to stand rather than sit. His attention briefly kept on Genkai only to end up on Yukina, who appeared in good spirits. Hiei would be happy to hear it, assuming he hasn’t been around already. [color=f7941d][b]“Genkai, Yukina, it’s good to see the both of you again,”[/b][/color] Kurama said with a smile. [color=7ea7d8][b]“It’s good to see the both of you again too,”[/b][/color] Yukina said, gesturing towards the empty mat beside Botan. Kurama had taken a seat once offered, just as Botan had beaten him to the question of Yusuke’s whereabouts. It wouldn’t be strange to know that he had spent a considerable amount of time here after the trauma of losing her once. Genkai’s response regarded Yusuke with her favorite term—dimwit—and he wasn’t surprised to know that she was indeed working Yusuke hard. Botan might have thought that jogging down a street was bad enough already. She had yet to know the difficulty of covering a distance in the wet mush that threatened to pull at her feet and strip her of the shoes tied to her feet. Another training method he considered too much for her. Deciding to give Yusuke time to return, Kurama touched on the situation the pair were in. A small string of suicides at his academy they confirmed to be the work of a demon, or at least one who could wield energy as familiar as it, that somehow convinced ordinary students to take their lives. Yukina was horrified at the thought of something so tragic, while Genkai herself appeared unimpressed. Underhanded methods to further a goal were never something that appealed to her. Whoever was behind this would not be shown any sort of mercy from the end of her fists, or the blast of her spirit energy. The culprit should count the few blessings they’d soon have. Yusuke had stepped inside just as his explanation had concluded, grinning at the familiar faces. He had greeted the both of them before taking a seat as Genkai instructed, still wiping the sweat from his forehead. Botan had brought out a dead rose she had thought of taking earlier that day, using it to demonstrate her gift for revitalizing the dead flower. As Kurama looked on with pride, he could catch the surprised stares of Yusuke and Yukina both. Even Genkai appeared impressed at this discovery. After it was revitalized, Botan had set it on the middle of the table and explained to Genkai that she was not here for additional training, simply advice. Genkai simply replied by telling him what he already knew: Botan was under his protection, his guidance. Kurama acknowledged that statement with a nod. [color=f7941d][b]“I’ve started small. It’s only been a few days since she’s taken up my training officially, but she shows signs of improvement every day. If school wasn’t in our way I could get her up to Kuwabara’s level within the next few months—perhaps even beyond that.”[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]“Wait a second,”[/b][/color] Yusuke leaned in closely, eying Botan and Kurama with suspicion. [color=8dc73f][b]“You said ‘if school wasn’t in our way,’ so does that mean Botan’s doing part time work with you?” [/b][/color] [color=f7941d][b]“Full time, if you include tutoring her in the subjects she struggles in,”[/b][/color] Kurama glanced at her. [color=f7941d][b]“As I said though, improvement every day. She’s a fast learner—“[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]“Why would Botan need to go to school?”[/b][/color] Yusuke thought aloud. [color=8dc73f][b]“The last time Botan was a student she was helping me with my—“[/b][/color]He hesitated, then it clicked. [color=8dc73f][b]“You’re on a case?”[/b][/color] [color=f7941d][b]“Precisely. Have you heard about the suicides that have taken place at my school?”[/b][/color] Kurama didn’t give him the chance to comment. The explanation was already given to Genkai and Yukina, and it wasn’t as if Yusuke kept up with school-related matters when he himself hardly attended. It was best that he not linger on that. [color=f7941d][b]“Botan and I have confirmed that a demon—or someone with demonic power—is convincing these students to take their lives. For what purpose, I don’t know. For the duration of the investigation, Botan is staying with me.”[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]“So that’s why you two are sitting so close. I was wondering what that was all about.” [/b][/color] Kurama looked at the space between Botan and himself, finding that they had indeed been seated closely together, but no closer than he had been while helping her study at home. It had become comfortable to him. With the fake relationship they maintained at school and his need to examine what problems she had been stuck on, he was almost always this close lately. It only occurred to him now that it might have seemed far more intimate to an outsider. He felt in no hurry to move aside, but he did have to look elsewhere.[color=f7941d][b] “Yes, well…”[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]“Anyway, if you two need help, I’ll be there.”[/b][/color] Yusuke assured them both, finally dry enough to set the moist towel on his lap. [color=8dc73f][b]“But knowing you, you’re strong enough to handle almost anything Kurama. I didn’t think Botan needed training—not when you’re around.”[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8][b]“It’s best if everyone learns how to defend themselves properly,”[/b][/color] Yukina said, turning her head to Genkai. [color=7bcdc8][b]“Master Genkai doesn’t push me as hard as she does Yusuke, but I’m learning methods to help protect myself.”[/b][/color] Her expression dimmed, remembering her days as a captive and what she was forced to witness for monetary gain. [color=7bcdc8][b]“I don’t want to be put in a situation where I’ll need to be saved again. Yusuke and Kuwabara got badly hurt last time.”[/b][/color] Yusuke patted Yukina on her shoulder, squeezing it firmly. [color=8dc73f][b]“Hey, it’s not like we weren’t used to getting into fights. And knowing Kuwabara, he’ll jump at any chance to save you from danger. He loves the excuse.”[/b][/color] Yukina’s face softened, lips forming a smile. [color=7bcdc8][b]“Maybe next time I can rescue someone, like you two rescued me.”[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]“Stick with the ex-hag over there and you’ll learn some new things,”[/b][/color] Yusuke narrowed his eyes over at Genkai, whose youthful appearance was now something he had gotten used to. Even so, he’d still think of her as the hag who put him to work and got him as far as he was now. He was still looking for ways to repay her. [color=8dc73f][b]“Maybe you should give Botan a one-hour course, just to let her know how lucky she is to have someone as forgiving as Kurama.”[/b][/color] Kurama’s eyes rest on the rose in the middle of the table. It had done well to retain Botan’s spirit energy, but slowly its vibrant color had slowly begun to fade once it left her touch. They had time to continue improving her spirit energy reserves and control, but he could not help but continue to wonder if Genkai could push Botan further than he ever could. He cared for her, enough to allow his elder to offer any advice she could. [color=f7941d][b]“Anything you can offer would be helpful. I’ve been around a long time, but I’ve never been in the role of a mentor before.”[/b][/color]