[centre][h3][color=bc8dbf][i]Cassandra[/i][/color][/h3] [img]http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/cool-hair-color-ideas/natural-blonde-hair.jpg[/img] Location: Vanessa's diner Interacting with:[@BlackPanther][@Nallore] Cassandra joined the twins, sitting down, she looked around the diner, frowning at the reported, but smiling as she saw Anasstasia. She gave a sigh, unable to help hearing what the reporter was saying. She clenched her hands, digging her finger nails into her palms. The reporter had the nerve to make it seem like she was a victim, because they wouldn't tell her anything? [color=f6989d]"We should go up to the campsite again before she gets there and finish cleaning it up"[/color] Cassandra said softly to the twins. She didn't particularly want that spread about. What if someone connected all the blood, and wondered why they weren't still in the hospital or at least wonder why they didn't have bandages? [color=f6989d]"We don't need her causing a fuss, what if it causes people to wonder about our injuries? So far the doctors haven't spoken out, and they shouldn't withthe confidentiality thing, and being minors..."[/color] She trailed off, realising she was rambling, and took a deep breath. She smiled at Anastasia as the other woman smiled at her, and said [color=f6989d]"I'm doing well, considering. How are you? I'm sorry I haven't got in contact yet...its been a lot to deal with"[/color]