Name: Horatio Isadore Personality: Horatio is very prideful. He knows he is stronger than most mortal creatures, and will not hesitate to rub it in their faces and put others in their place. That being said, he usually sends servants to negotiate and serve on his behalf, viewing such things as trivial, and unworthy if it is directed to humanoids, which he refers to as a "waste of flesh". He is as fanatical as most devils are towards Asmodeus, but is much more intrested in increasing his own power and status in Infernum, and is willing to trample anyone else under the dust to acheive this. Edit: Appearance: (Without armor) Abilities: Pit Fiend Abilties: Possesses all the same abilities and powers as a Pit Fiend detailed in the Pit Fiend template. He can also telepathically communicate with any subject within 100ft of him. Magic Blacksmith: Horatio is an expert blacksmith, and can combine magic with metal with ease. Darkvision: Can see clearly even in complete non-magical darkness. Expert Fighter: Horatio has trained to use most martial weapons and has mastered several body martial arts. Horseback Master: Is an expert at fighting, commanding, and charging on horseback Equipment: Adamantium Platemail of Determination: This personal tailored thick Adamantium platemail was immaculatley forged for thousands of years in the smithies of Phlegethon, inscribed with powerful protection runes, and bears thousands of trapped damned souls within it. The souls provide an additional aura of protection, which can destort and deflect most small missiles. In addition, once per day, should the weilder die, the armor will resurrect them, albeit they will be brought back severely injured and just a few wounds away from certain death. In addition, any non-devil that attempts to wear it are weakend. The armor also has a slot for banners and flags on the back. Rarely does Horatio ever take off his armor. Mythril Chainmail: Is worn underneath platemail. Is both lighter and stronger than steel. The gaps are woven with strong fabrics. Banner of Raise Morale (Infernum Version): While carrying this banner, which shows the standard of Asmodeus, all targets within 30ft (Of the weilder's choosing) and the weilder gain increased strength and fortitude and raises morale if their allegiance is towards Asmodeus. Ring of Major Spell Storing: Can be used to absorb almost any spell thrown at the wearer and store them in the ring. The user can then cast that spell from the ring. The ring cannot absorb a spell if it already as one stored. Ring of Spell Turning: Three times per day, When the wearer says a secret and specific command word (Repurcutio), the ring will reflect a certain amount of spells and/or magic damage back to the attacker. The more powerful the spell/magic, the less likely it is to be reflected, and the more it strains the ability. The Nine-Lives Stealer: This unholy Longsword (Shortsword for Horatio) was specifically designed to make flesh bleed and drain lifeforce. Any living creature struck with this razor sharp blade not only take phsyical wounds, but have some of their very life force taken away with each incision. Any weak NPC that so much as touches its blade dies instantly. This sword oozes with malevelant energy, and any non-evil creature attempting to weild it are drastically weakened. Javelins of Lightning: Appearing as javelins, once thrown, turns into armor-peircing lightning bolts. Horatio usually carries several with him in a reinfroced steel canister. Phalanx Sheild (Infernum Version): Is an adamantium sheild enchanted with protective runes and the souls of the damned and curses weakness on non-devils. Once per day, can summon two obediant warriors made of pure Lawful Evil energy that take the form of servants of Asmodeus (Devils) to fight by the weilder's side for 60 seconds. The warriors can fly. Rod of Entangling Ectoplasm: Three times per day, target up to 60ft away and anything nearby are intangled or slowed by grasping hands made of ectoplasm. This also affects incorporeal creatures and ghosts. Ectoplasmic Rod: Any spell cast by the weilder can effect incorporeal creatures and ghosts. Giant's Belt: Drastically increases user's strength. Goggles of Trusight: Allows user to see through magical illusions, invisibilty, as well as see ghosts. Can also make visible magical auras and can tell if a magic item is cursed or not. Judges Wig: Once per day, can cast the spell discern lies on a target. The weilder can tell if the target is lying or not. Worn underneath Storm Lord's Helm. Storm Lord's Helm: A magic steel horned helmet that crackles with electricity. Once per day, the weilder can concentrate for 10 minutes to alter the weather over a large radius. After an additonal 10 minutes, calls forth a thunderstorm. For the next 10 minutes, can make powerful lightning bolts strike down on specific targets. Cloak of Flames: This cape is attached to the Adamantium armor. When activated, produces an aura of flesh melting flames around the wearer. White Diablo: Horatio's personal mount of choice and loyal servant, White Diablo is a pale white devil horse twice the size of it's master, is covered in the finest Adamantium Horse armor with the runes and damned souls, and can breathe fire. White Diablo can also fly. Theme Song: Field Commanding Theme: Divine Decree from Fire Emblem Awakening Field Commanding Theme (Battle): Divine Decree (Ablaze) from Fire Emblem Awakening Personal Battle Theme: Mastermind from Fire Emblem Awakening Edit: Added Song(s)