[h1][b]MAP UPDATE[/b][/h1] [hider=Map Update: 2016-08-27][img]https://s13.postimg.org/n0aojx3mv/Map_Complete.png[/img][/hider] Alright, I think I got everyone and where they want to be. Any comments, questions, or concerns? No? Excellent. Now start posting! Note: Different font will be used when everyone is settled and posting to make it look more awesome. [@TemplarKnight07] I have not forgotten your entrance to the rat infested sewer you call a home, but I am just trying to come up with a decent way to mark it down so it's not just a boring black round circle! [hr] [@Supreme Commander] Are you still around? If not, I may move Rhune into the region where Yore currently is so I can make war on more people! [hr] [quote=@Aristo] Is this cool with you? The Commonwealth's lore is focused on dispelling and passive defense, lacking any offensive capability. This ensures that the waging of battles are reduced to mundane means, where the strength of men and will prevail! [/quote] We're more about "bang bang", but the gods can be helpful! I suggest you have some magic units as there is no guarantee anyones magic will work properly, or at all, in a battle, so if you fail to dispell or prevent their magic... You'd better have something you can tango with. [hr] [quote=@wxps350] [hider=Paganist Legion][center][h1][b]Circles of Paganland[/b][/h1][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iTs-UyGYLG0/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [b][h2]Overview[/h2][/b] The Dark Elves of the Paganlands are exiles from the Lombilar Kingdom, overrun in the past days by wild Beastmen Raiders. Faced with an Ultimatum, the Elven King Eldric shattered the soul of Lombilar's forests. With no soul, the spirits of the forests became twisted into Pagans, who were worshipped by the stricken Dark Elves. Now, the Paganist Legion rears it's armies, ready to integrate the world underneath their glorious Gods. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/usxn4b5.jpg[/img] The Forests of Lombilar were once grand and majestic. Now, with their souls shattered, the once-proud forest spirits vie for power. The Paganland forests are dark and always misty, with an eerie cold and silence. Some parts of the Paganland have been so twisted, they terraformed into mires and swamps. The wildlife too was effected. Even gentle creatures such as deer became territorial and aggressive, and several Blights roam the land. Near the Western Border, four Circle Cities stand as bastions against the hordes of Beastmen, though roads connect each one to the Circle of Aeius, the Warden. The middle area is where the city Paganea is located, a grand yet grave city home to the Great Pagan Orgoth. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] Long ago, the Elven Kingdom of Lombilar was one of the highest of any to exist before, and even outshines some that came after it. As the empire expanded, so did lush and pristine forests. All was well, and the Elven Population had reached the Millions. All of this prosperity was thanks to the Soul of Nature, an artifact that radiated with life and vibrant energy, attracting thousands of spirits to inhabit the many trees of many forests. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Lombilar was suddenly attacked by dozens of neighboring Beastman tribes. It was a long and gruesome war, which the Elves steadily lost. The people of Lombilar sought safety over honor, and fled from their capital. The prestigious Lombilar Phoenix Knights fought hard and with honor against the Beastmen, but without the support of their people, hope begun to melt. The King, Eldric, saw the one way to defeat their enemies was to shatter their supply line. He sent a good few legions to disrupt the invaders link to their home kingdom, yet they still survived off of the bounty of nature surrounding them. In order to defeat that, Eldric made a grave decision. He ordered the last of his loyal knights to follow their evacuating people to the more secluded cities, while he himself became a powerful Avatar of Nature to hold off the invaders. Once the last of his knights left the city, Eldric channeled his magic into an extravagant bolt of power, which he used to shatter the Soul of Nature. With the soul destroyed, the surrounding groves invading soldiers supplied themselves with suddenly withered and died. Within days the Beastmen invaders were starved by the massess. As penance for his crimes, Eldric ventured away, and was never seen again. With the lack of the Soul of Nature, the spirits of the forests began to become deprived. The madness deep within their calm minds took root, completely whiping away the memory of their previous selves, and became the Pagans. The Elves of Lombilar were maddened too, as their once beautiful forests were now cold and barren. For his betrayal, Eldric was branded a Traitor, and the once mighty Lombilar empire was divided into dozens of Circles, each devoted to one of the eight Great Pagans. The Dark Elves are harshly territorial, as the invasion of the could have been prevented if they were to be more wary. They begin to lash at their neighboring countries, as well as participate in exterminating wild Beastmen tribes, to spread their suffering with the rest of Salvus. [b][h2]Government[/h2][/b] The overall Paganist Legion is divided into hundreds of Circles, though each of the smaller ones answer to each of the seven Circles devoted to the Great Pagans. For the first few years, each of the eight Circles were independent of each other, but to defend and spread their territory, they have united. Each of the eight Circles leaders form a council. If one of the Greater Circles has a desire, then it must be agreed or allowed by the rest of the circles. If a Lesser Circle would like to carry out a motion, then they must be allowed by their Greater Circle. [b][h2]Race Description[/h2][/b] Dark Elves appear different from their Elven Cousins. Instead of radiant, beautiful skin, Dark Elven skin is dark grey and their bodies are cold. They are not as tall as other elves, but are more sly and observant. Their eyes are as red as the blood of a dying man, and in their mouths, sharp fangs glow a clean pearl white. The Great Pagan Circles are as follows [b]Sporebeard, Father of the Blights[/b] Treants were once a proud, wise, perhaps even jovial race that enjoyed the presence of the smaller-ones. When the Soul of Nature was crushed, they were driven mad, lashing out at any who dare near without reverence. Whenever a creature is diseased by fungus, it is said that Sporebeard himself curses them. [b]Aeius, the Warden[/b] When Beastmen Tribes crushed Lombilar hundreds of years ago, the Elven God of Vigilance was crushed by his failure. Swearing to never falter in his watch, Aeius now watches his woods with Paranoia. Any who dare enter the Old Woods of Lombilar are almost always immediately attacked by loose tribes of Werebears, regardless of their race. It is said that the various wards across the Paganlands were planted by Aeius himself, to keep close watch of any other trespassers. [b]Revus, who Torments[/b] Hundreds of Phoenix Knights are constantly plagued by visions of their failure, and the Elves and Forest Spirits they failed to protect. Poking at the mind of Warriors, and warbeasts, driving them into grief-driven rage until nothing of their opponents remain. [b]Slah'na, Queen of Pleasures[/b] The only avoidance of despair is pleasure. Drugs, Sex, and Merrymaking, anything to avoid the true pain of failure. Slah'na, once the goddess of beauty, became a figure of perversion and corruption of purity. several "Priestesses" of this cult offer themselves to Pagans, to birth monstrous abominations who stomp, rampage, and kill. [b]Meron, King of Trauma[/b] Once the Elven God of protection, now Meron constantly provides the aura of dread throughout the Paganlands, constantly reminding the people of what they have done. He is revered by Warlocks of Despair, who channel Pagan Magic to extremify the weight of failure on invaders who lost battles against the Dark Elves. [b]The Hidden Princess[/b] She is the only Old Elven God of Lombilar not twisted by the Soul of Lombilar. In the days of Old Lombilar, she rarely showed her face, and was revered by rogues and assassins alike. Now, she is even more timid, wiping her name from the slates of Dark Elf History. [b]Loth'gar, Scion of Rage[/b] While Aeius may occasionally control Ravens and Werebears, their true master is Loth'gar, the Old Bear King, who perished defending the Elven city of Rothac. Now, warped by madness, he unchained his primal rage and let his kin spread their seed far and wide, infesting the entire Paganlands with Werebear tribes. [b][h2]Culture[/h2][/b] Dark Elves bear a great resentment towards other races, even Elves, including themselves. Their buildings, way of life, and overall culture are a mix of Asian, Native American, and African. [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] Rather than regular gold, the Paganist Legion exchanges shods, carefully cut pieces of wood. Each of the different Great Circles trade with one another, taxing resources on the lesser circles to perform rituals to please Pagans. The Paganist Legion has no trade routes with other Kingdoms. Lumberjacks must be very careful in harvesting wood, as most common trees of the Warped Groves brittle and break easily, but stronger, more sturdy trees exist, though they may harbor wild Pagans, who will quickly curse any who try to destroy their home. [b][h2]Magic[/h2][/b] Dark Elf Witces and Warlocks are gifted magic by Pagans, who trade power in exchange for the obedience of the Witches who swear fealty to them. The more magic a Pagan grants, the more a Witch can perform, but more willpower is required. As the powerful magic granted by a Warlock's Pagan begins to outmatch their willpower, physical changes will occur. Horns may grow, and tentacles may sprout, and madness will begin to shred their mind. As a result, almost 95% of all Warlocks and Witches are doomed to lose their Elvenhood eventually. If a person is overwhelmed by Paganistic Magic entirely, they will turn into a hideous abomination all together. Paganistic Magic is not always just used on those who wish to learn it. It can also be infused with prisoners, creating horrifying monsters forced to the will of their masters, made to attack previous allies. [hider=Spell Format] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Lore:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [b]Short Description:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Dark Elf Spell List] [b]Name:[/b] Pagancall [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Summoning [b]Short Description:[/b] After a ritual of variable time, a Pagan of a certain level of power is summoned in a physical form for a short period of time. When summoned in their physical form, Pagan's may only bring a small amount of their powerful magic. [b]Name:[/b] Witch Bolt [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Single Target Damage [b]Short Description:[/b] A large bolt of Paganistic energy is fired at a target, temporarily filling them with Paganistic Magic. Unlike Warlock's who gain empowerment from such, any tagets who do not train in channeling the chaotic magic of the Pagan's feel extremely nautious, and, if enough bolts are fired at a certain target, it will transform into a powerful Abomination that cannot discern friend or foe. [b]Name:[/b] Grotesque Party [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Summoning [b]Short Description:[/b] A miniature black star appears over an area. For a brief moment, it blinds all creatures that look directly at it, before becoming dim enough to look at. It will then shoot dozens of dark beams at the earth, seeking out any corpses as a priority. Any corpses hit will transform into Grotesque Abominations, and attempt to attack all targets willed by the caster, being animate until the black star disappears. If no corpses are present in the nearby area, it will instead strike living creatures. If any living thing is killed by the dark beams, they will suffer the effect they have on corpses. [b]Name:[/b] Abominate [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Transformation [b]Short Description:[/b] A target is transformed into a moderately powerful Abomination, that attacks all foes and friends. If used on a creature willing to be transformed, it is done almost instantaneously. If a creature not willing is the target, they may attempt to resist the transformation. [b]Name:[/b] Create Blight [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Summoning [b]Short Description:[/b] Pagan Magic is infused into a cluster of nearby trees, creating living, walking treants of darkness, known as Blights. The exact quantity and quality of such depend on the independent trees, and the type of magic used by the caster. [/hider] [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] The Dark Elves infuse both Pagan Magic and corrupted nature in their armies, training Quilboars and enlisting the aid of Blights. Their own physical armies, crazed with drugs and Pagan Magic alike. [color=green]+Great Magical Capabilities +Good Ranged Offense +Decent Surprise Tactics[/color] [color=red]-Poor Control of Soldiers -Poor Fortifications -Poor Charge Attacks[/color] [hider=Military List] [b]Name:[/b] Dark Elf Lunatic [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 1 [b]Type:[/b] Light Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] With minds completely shattered by the Pagans, Dark Elf Lunatics are strong frontline soldiers who lack the capacity to fear, charging headfirst against the enemy. [b]Name:[/b] Dark Elf Ranger [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 1 [b]Type:[/b] Light Archers [b]Short Description:[/b] Dark Elf Archers train themselves in the way of the bow, their aims perfected by the rage in their hearts. While their range is deadly enough, some may be haunted by Pagans that increase their aim even more. [b]Name:[/b] Blight Sapling [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/4d1a/f/2012/242/f/a/treant_by_eluviel-d5cz28o.png[/img] [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 1 [b]Type:[/b] Medium Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Treants that have been corrupted by Paganistic energy are known as Blights. The smallest of Blights are known as saplings. Plentiful in number, they are able to disguise themselves as single trees, and then animate when they surround an enemy patrol. They also perform well at espionage and tracking. [b]Name:[/b] Blight Hound [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 1 [b]Type:[/b] Light Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Blights in the shape of wolves, with twice the speed and ferocity. [b]Name:[/b] Quilboar [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/21ee/i/2010/200/7/d/brindle_boar_by_daveallsop.jpg[/img] [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 1 [b]Type:[/b] Medium Archers [b]Short Description:[/b] The humble boars of the Lombilar Forests, without the Soul of Nature, have been transformed into rugged and quilled aggressive beasts, whose minds can be corrupted further with Pagan Magic, enslaving them to the will of the Dark Elves. The Quills they can launch from their mouths pierce harder than any arrows, though their aim is laughable. However, if no Dark Elves surround them, they will spiral into chaos and flee. [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Dark Elf Psycho [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Medium Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] An upgrade from the usual Lunatics, Dark Elf Psycho's are even more mentally depraved, and drugged up with toxin made from sap from hollow trees. They are difficult to control however, as every moment not spilling blood builds a terrible itch to Psycho's. [b]Name:[/b] Ironbark Blight [img]http://www.playdota.com/img/art/809720/fanart/f1306020320.jpg[/img] [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Heavy Siege-Weapon [b]Short Description:[/b] Regular trees transformed by Paganistic magic, creating maddened treants that take their anger and despair out on the structures that deny nature. [b]Name:[/b] Dark Phoenix Knight [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Heavy Cavalry [b]Short Description:[/b] The Phoenix Knights were once the trusted elite of Lombilar King Eldric. When he betrayed them by shattering the world soul, they were maddened and confused. They still don their radiant blue armor, though over the years, the Warped Groves have taken their toll on covering their armor in rust and dried mud. They are extremely durable, fast, and powerful, though they appear in small numbers. [b]Name:[/b] Werebear [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/bfb9/i/2012/024/5/4/ulvenwald_bear_by_jasonengle-d4ngn42.jpg[/img] [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Heavy Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Some bears have been effected by Pagan Magic, turning them into semi-sentient beastfolk with a terrible taste for blood. [b]Name:[/b] Hidden Retainer [b]Tier[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Light Espionage [b]Short Description:[/b] Followers of the Hidden Princess, Hidden Retainers hardly make a sound, never leave a trace, and kill without marking. While performing terribly in combat, their primary purpose is espionage and sabotage. [b]Name:[/b] Dark Elf Witch/Warlock [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Type:[/b] Light Caster [b]Short Description:[/b] Witches are those who study in the magic of the Pagans, allowing themselves to be infused with their magic. While capable of casting spells that warp the battlefield, they are extremely vulnerable, and it would only take a single well-aimed arrow to fell them. [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Pagan Knight [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Type:[/b] Heavy Cavalry [b]Short Description:[/b] Not all who become pupils of the Pagan are Witches or Warlocks, some take the way of the sword and horse, becoming the fearsome Pagan Knights. The steeds they ride are maddened by constant irritation, and their armor is infused with enchantments by Pagans. [b]Name:[/b] Tanglebrute Blight [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Type:[/b] Large Siege Weaponry [b]Short Description:[/b] The largest of all Blights, that tower over the walls of cities. They are extremely slow moving, and may delay a Dark Elven army from reaching it's destination by weeks even; Though when they see a large cluster of buildings, it triggers the deepened madness inside of them. [b]Name:[/b] Pagan of War [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Type:[/b] Large Infantry [b]Short Description:[/b] Pagans that take physical forms, prepared to slaughter entire armies. Even upon death, they infuse multiple soldiers, friend and foe alike, transforming them into mindless Abominations. [/hider] [hider=Heroes of the Paganistic Legion] [hider=Arrak, Son of the Pagan] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/0852/i/2012/186/2/c/dark_eldar__supreme_tyrant_by_beckjann-d5646qj.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arrak, Son of the Pagan [b]Position:[/b] General of the Paganist Legion [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Warp Blade [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Arrak infuses his blade with Pagan energies, overloading his enemies with madness with each strike. [b]Name:[/b] Star of Torment [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Debuff [b]Short Description:[/b] An orb of black light floats in mid air, filling all sentient humanoids with dread and terror. [b]Name:[/b] Mirror Image [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Illusion [b]Short Description:[/b] Several false versions of Arrak are created. When struck, they will explode in a wave of lightning that paralyzes any targets within adjacent range. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] Arrak was born between the Queen of Circle Orok by it's Great Pagan. Since birth he has been able to channel Paganistic energy more than any Dark Elf before him. He is cold and refined, hardly ever concerning himself with his own soldiers personal well being. [/hider] [hider=Ser'yea, the Lady of the Hidden] [img]https://cdna2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/431/602/large/loles-romero-dark-elf-rogue.jpg?1422205557[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ser'yea, the Lady of the Hidden [b]Position:[/b] Spymaster [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Erase Existence [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Stealth [b]Type:[/b] Cloak [b]Short Description:[/b] Ser'yea disappears for an indefinite amount of time. If her concentration is ruined, then she will lose her cloak. [b]Name:[/b] Cloud Image [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Stealth [b]Type:[/b] Illusion [b]Short Description:[/b] Ser'yea creates 4 false images of herself. When each one is struck, they will dissipate into a cloud of smoke that will blind of vision of nearby enemies. [b]Name:[/b] Strike Without Mark [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Stealth [b]Type:[/b] Damage [b]Short Description:[/b] When Ser'yea attacks a foe while under the effects of Erase Existence, her blades make no physical marks until an hour after each attack. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] Ser'yea was born in the woods, all on her own. To survive against the terrors of the Warped Groves, she would need to hide herself. By the time she was a grown woman, she was discovered by Dark Elf Rangers, who had patrolled through the area she lived for dozens of years. Because they had not ever seen her despite countless times patrolling that area, she was believed to be a daughter of The Hidden Princess, and was placed into the position of Spymaster, where she perfected the craft of Dark Elven spies and Hidden Retainers. [/hider] [hider=Tanglebrute] [b]Name:[/b] Tanglebrute [b]Position:[/b] Warden [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Rootsnare [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Nature [b]Type:[/b] Debuff [b]Short Description:[/b] A cluster of roots burst from the earth, and bind a single opponent. [b]Name:[/b] Blightbrood [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Summoning [b]Short Description:[/b] A cluster of several trees becomes animated as Blight Hounds. Rather than a single area of effect, the spell will remain active for several hours, animating each tree Tanglebrute crosses until a maximum number of 60 Blight Hounds have been created. [b]Name:[/b] Harrowing Chaos [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Nature [b]Type:[/b] Special [b]Short Description:[/b] After building up a knot of thousands of roots he grows himself, Tanglebrute explodes the sphere, sending miles of root spreading in each direction, impaling dozens if not hundreds of opponents. Unfortunately, it usually requires bark of his own body, reducing his armor, but increasing his mobility. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] Vengeance. Vengeance against those who shattered his forest burns in Tanglebanes cold wooden heart. Once King of the Treants, Tanglebane was forced to watch as his kin descended into madness. While for awhile he attempted to retain sanity, he soon gave into his rage, going as far as to slaughter millions of Beastmen. His rage was cured, but all that was left was a bitter hatred for life. Impressed by his devotion to the crusade against Beastmen, Tanglebane was made a Warden, forever hunting down those who wander into his ruined kingdom, the Hollow Grieve. [/hider] [hider=Lusar, the Vengeant] [b]Name:[/b] Lusar, the Vengeant [b]Position:[/b] Warden [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Packhowl [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Beasts [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Lusar lets out a mighty roar, inspiring his Werebear brothers to drive greater assault against their prey [b]Name:[/b] Weeping Roar [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Lusar, unable to contain his further grief, lets out a roar. Not one of rage, but of hatred, despair, and torment. This greatly increases his resilience to pain, both physical and mental. [b]Name:[/b] Totem of Torment [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of the Pagans [b]Type:[/b] Steady Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] Lusar plants down his Totem of Torment, grinding at the morale of enemy legions. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] Amongst the thousands of bears involuntarily transformed into beastmen by Pagan Magic, Lusar was enslaved by Dark Elves, and forced to fight in an arena. After defeating countless opponents, and breaking free many more, he was granted freedom, and protection of his people, so long as he patrol the borders of the Paganlands. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] I like it, but your Heroes seem massively OPed, that said, just the way they're written I think, so it looks good! Put them in the Characters tab if Clock is good with them!