[@Muttonhawk] Actually, the Realta are just simply hot enough to burn the air around them, hence the imagery of falling stars and leaving fiery trails. They have wings of various metals and that's what allows then to fly. But yeah, the Realta are TOTALLY Abberant then. For their strikes, think mini solar plasma bursts or straight up flinging fireballs of that stuff. The white Flames are not a joke btw... that is how hot they actually are. X3 So good news, Galbar has its own defenses system! Yay! Bad news is that the Realta can hang ten feet above then and "Nanananana!" Edit: Look I'm gonna be straight up here. As a writer I'm not here to throw around my "uber creations" and argue how much better they are and break everyone's toys. This entire plot line is not going to wind up with Logos conquering Galbar or anything else, mostly because if he did [s]there would be no chance for me to write that delicious plot of Vestec on Arcon[/s] that would be boring. The Realta and Acalya are simply there to give that "overwhelming" threat or worry for them to work together against or achieve something. When the Hero slays a Realta, it should feel like a triumph, not a mob in a dungeon. They should step lightly through the forests and have that sense of fear about their surroundings in an alien land. That's why I'm leaving the details of the where and what in your hands. You decide how much growth and adventure your heroes endure.