Lords of War: [hider= "Kitten"] [b]Name:[/b] Kitten, nicknamed by Nova [b]Note[/b]: Custodes are awarded names for great deeds. As such, technically, Kitten has over 672 names. He goes by Kitten, however, as this is the name given to him by the Emperor. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/b/b0/Custodian_Throne_Room_Guardian.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120710001550[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his fearsome powers, Kitten is mostly a kind and gentle soul. He will happily march into battle and sacrifice his life for the Emperor, but outside of the line of fire he's most interested in tea and dishwashing. He takes care of the Emperor while he's on the Throne, and he protects him from all outside forces. Utterly devoted to his job, he might be tempted to ask invaders of the palace to sit down and talk things over, only killing them if he sees no other choice. Or if they're demons. [b]Abilities:[/b] - Adeptus Custodes In terms of genetically modified superhuman warriors, the Custodes are a class above the common Astartes. If the Astartes is the mass-produced supersoldier, a Custodes is the custom model. Each was created personally by the Emperor, and the modification process is adapted to each individual's genome and physiology. It is for this reason that none other than the Emperor himself are aware of the secret of their creation, nor of the cost needed to build them. But what is known by all is that the results are devastating. Unarmoured, a Custodes is capable of catching bullets in midair, and punching through armoured plating with ease. Armoured, Custodes are nigh-unstoppable, each individual soldier like an army unto themselves. Kitten is the greatest among them, and his physical strength and speed is nearly comparable to that of a Primarch. Beware the one who benches space ships. - Lord of War It takes perhaps 10.000 hours to master any one particular skill. Kitten has fought by the Emperor's side for over 10.000 years, and has spent the entire time mastering the art of war. While one infinite world there are infinite styles of combat, there are only so many ways in which a humanoid body can move. And Kitten has mastered all of them. As a prodigal fighter with 100 lifetime's worth of experience, his knowledge of martial combat is comparable to that of a War God. Every style, every technique, every possible move and feint, every possible attack is predictable to him. The names change, but the motions remain the same. So skilled is Kitten, that once he bested Horus himself in a sparring match, he who is considered the greatest of the Primarchs. Any who close in with melee with Kitten have already lost. - Iron Will Every cell in a custodes' body comes with pre-programmed loyalty to the Emperor. They were designed and trained over the course of multiple lifetimes to fight at his side, and to resist all temptation and control. Almost all forms of mind control and temptation are lost on the custodes, most of all Kitten. He is not quite as resistant as Kaldor Draigo, but certainly a great challenge to psionics users. In Xcom terms, he has a Will stat of 150. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Power Armour: master-crafted Astartes power-armour, capable of withstanding high levels of punishment - Guardian Spear: a force-halberd with a Bolter attached to it. Powerful weapon with a particle-destroying field. Master-crafted. [b]Origin:[/b] Warhammer 40k [b]Theme Song:[/b] optional [/HIDER] [hider="Azrael"] [b]Name:[/b] Supreme Grand Master Azrael [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/b/be/Supreme_Grand_Master_Azrael_combat.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150914180325[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Secretive and stout, Azrael talks little and smiles less. He is devoted to the task of protecting the Empire, and regaining the lost honour of the Dark Angels. He occasionally chafes with the mild-mannered Kitten and the blunt but warlike Kaldor Draigo, [b]Abilities:[/b] - Superior Astartes The physical prowess of the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels are beyond question. While perhaps inferior to Kitten and Draigo (who can enhance them with psionics), he is still a force to be reckoned with. In armour he can toss around tanks one-handed, and dodge supersonic attacks. To face Azrael is to state a pinnacle of martial prowess, a living weapon of war. - Keeper of Secrets While most Astartes are resistant to psionics, Azrael specialises in guarding his mind from invasion. He possesses the same resistance to Mind Control as Kitten, but his resistance to mind-reading goes far beyond that. No force below the Emperor himself could read his mind, and the many secrets he keeps are safeguarded from any psionic invasion. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Lion's Helm: an ancient helmet that projects a powerful force-field - Blade of Secrets: greatest of the Heavenfall Blades, this black sword slices through any material it touches, and can only be properly blocked by force-fields or the like. - Protector: incredibly potent suit of armour with an almost supernatural ability to absorb damage - Lion's Wrath: incredibly potent plasma combi-weapon, capable of unleashing both plasma and bolter fire. [b]Origin:[/b] optional [b]Theme Song:[/b] optional [/hider]