[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Danica Graves[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/lax6Qc5.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b]The streets outside of the PD -> Her Hotel Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] No One[hr][hr][/center] Danica pulls out her phone as it starts tinging away, left and right her followers are streaming her with hits. A small smirk coming to her lips, she knew she could count on them. It was a lot of information and the day was drawing to a close, the last thing she wanted to do was to be stuck on the streets right then. With everything that was going on and everything she had seen that day she hoped that she would be able to get back to the hotel safe and that at she would at least get a little bit of shut eye, granted she wasn't counting on it. As far as she knew the entire city would be swallowed up by the Titans. The real titans, not the Teen Titans. Sticking her phone back into her pocket she adjusted her back and started heading down the streets. Her eyes darting left and right as she palmed her keys, keeping one of them sticking out from between her fingers. If anyone came near her she was striking to gouge out an eye, or break a nose, or a knee cap, to remove their family jewels. Which ever fit the situation. Like hell she was going to go down without a fight. The world might be coming to an end but damn, as long as a few were still standing she had followers that would want updates come morning and damn it, she would get that blog post up. Stepping across the street she moved quickly, the light of the motel shining and her room door could be seen off in the distance. A few jumps out of people's way and she was at her door. Looking over her shoulder as she stuck the key in the lock, jiggling it a few times before it finally turned. Stepping inside she locked up tight and very glad she wasn't shot by some deranged woman on the streets. (Yes, I saw what you did there. :P) Dropping her back on her bed she sat down and let out a long sigh, it had been a hell of a day but it wasn't over yet. Pulling her pack over to herself she started pulling out her things and her phone. It was time to get to work researching as much as she could before she ended up passing out for the evening. If tomorrow came she wanted to get her beauty sleep. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Amy Chang[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/8b6a382d5094aa223e6fea067a92d2e8/tumblr_n5anloUKxj1t4wj86o2_500.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Ambulance Bay -> Mountain View Cemetery [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Morose][hr][hr][/center] Amy shut the doors of the ambulance and all hell broke loose. [color=a187be]"Drive fucker, drive!"[/color] she yelled to the ambulance driver before turning her attention back in front of her. She didn't know what was going on but like hell she was going to just stand by right then. Grabbing the salt she took hand fulls of it as it poured out of the spout and tried to throw it at the gruesome ghost. She figured it if helped the detective with his burns it might help keep the ghost as bay. A trail of salt surrounded the detective now along the edge of the gurney. [color=a187be]"Don't fucking move,"[/color] she told him as the ambulance sped down the streets. Amy doing her best to keep her balance and continuing to toss salt like she was Emeril, the occasional Bam coming out of her mouth. She really watched too many fucking cooking shows. But the salt was her best bet right then, it wasn't like Alton Brown with all his science was going to help her one damn bit right now. She really wished there was cooking for Witches on the Food Network by then but the only spell she could think of was from Shakespeare. Something along the lines of boil boil toil and trouble. Or was that off a Disney thing? Or did Disney get it from Shakespeare? Yeah, that was probably it. It wasn't exactly like she could start singing right then and make the fucking ghost dance himself to death but that song was catchy. [i]I put a spell on you and now your mine! [/i] That would be some seriously useful shit right about then. As the driver stopped the ambulance in front of the cemetery, the driver hopped out, wanting to get away from the ghost as quickly as possible. He was kind enough to open the damn rear doors for Amy before running off down the street. [color=a187be]"Chicken shit! I hope you get eaten by a Manticore!!"[/color] she screamed before throwing another handful of salt towards the ghost before yanking the gurney out of the back and looking at the detective. [color=a187be]"Which fucking way???"[/color]