[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Also, can I ask that you not be so demanding with the co-GM [@RisenDead]? I know you probably aren't trying to be that direct but its really coming off as that. [/quote]I just stated what inconsistencies were with the map. If that's demanding and mean then I don't know what happens when somebody is actually saying things in anger here. If I'd feel hurt every time somebody is just blunt with me or remotely mean with me on the net I'd have long become an emotional wreck needing of constant care. Not all people are fluent in the language and even if they are relatively good at writing the small details and nuances of the language can be escaping them. I practice English for over a decade in written form but I am awfully rusty at speaking it. And my original language has barely anything in common with English. I already excused if my behavior was unbecoming of to him. I seriously feel you had no need to make another mention of it. That would only escalate this for no reason. You would turn this from a simple exchange to something bigger. I really don't want that. I merely warn you this is actually not a positive way of dealing with the "issue". So long things don't get more heated I feel what a GM/moderator should do just stand by and let the problem solve itself. If it won't, you step in. Make it too early and you could only make it worse. Due to various reasons when I express myself in English and have opposition with someone my sentences seem to carry a certain edge. That's how I am. That's how I am probably going to be. If somebody is feeling hurt by it my apologies and any damage is probably not intended.