Horatio Isodore Location: Classified, Great Britain Horatio stood there at the war table, garbed like a living armory, and surrounded by his most trusted and powerful warriors, of which he had commanded in countless bloody battles both inside and outside of the Infernum's borders. The room was completely dark and dank, the stone walls cracked and in disrepair after centuries of neglect, though conditions like these were of no concern to the devils, who were trained to dwell in all but the most hostile environments. He had on the table a map of the world that had been explored by his scouts, which he gazed into while using his scrying magic to keep track of his agent, Vulga, who had been deployed to Winnipeg in Canada, initially to monitor the condition of this border region, but now Vulga is in the middle of a warzone, and would have to fight alone. Horatio knew that Vulga was a talented agent though, and would not be so easy to detect and kill. Nonetheless, he is paying very close attention on the status of the battle, should action need to be taken for any purpose. It was during this time though that a telepathic signal had been sent straight to the Pit Lord's mind from a Hamatula. "Sir! A foreign radio signal has been picked by our sensors! Do you wish to read the report?" Mentally, he replied: "Yes". The Pit Lord then concentrated his magic on viewing the report that was in the devil's hand one floor above his current location. "This is Martin Robinson, Roboticist from Space Station 13, Formerly owned by Nanotech. We may be facing a large scale event on the plant. A possible singularity, is all I could hazard guess at...but....If there is anyone out there, with better equipment than this...I need your help. Come unarmed....but prepared. We have work to do, and we must do it fast, because this may either be nothing, or the largest event in history..." So the report says. Apparently some mortal using foreign measuring instruments had come to speculate that something significant was happening on the planet they were on that may warrant further inquiry. While Horatio found it easy to dismiss these as ramblings of a deranged weak-minded humanoid, the fact that the distress call had such a powerful signal behind it and would be publically transmitted as opposed to encrypted raised some alarm bells. Perhaps a cry for help? Or maybe, this mortal knew something that others have yet to become aware of. Whatever the reasoning behind this broadcast was, it roused Horatio's interests, if only slightly, and knew that this was worthy of some sort of investigation, least information slip from his grasp. The Pit Lord told the Hamatula to resume his duties. He then telepathically talked to his second in command, Carno, a strong Cornugon who had stood near him, planning with the other devil strategists on the best methods of conquest and defensive measures. "Carno." Carno jolted to attention with tens of thousands of years of reflex upon the utterance of his name. "Sir!" He mentally replied. Horatio continued: "You are to identify and pinpoint the origins of the radio signal as detailed in Report #117816. You are then to give agent Vulga upon his return the order to investigate the source of the signal and identify its causation before anyone else does. He is also to identify the number and conditions of creatures behind the signal, and to use any means necessary to extract information from them. He is not to kill any creature there except in self defense. Once the information is obtained, the creatures safety becomes irrelevant. If others do arrive at the scene before, during, or after his discovery, he is not to engage. Avoiding detection is optional. He may reveal his identity if necessary. Assuming it is feasible, retrieve DNA samples from the creatures and any others you encounter. You have your orders." With a passionate sir yes sir, Carno immediately passed the order down the chain of command. Horatio continued to watch Vulga's every move and his status from half the world away, pondering his next move. [@thewizardguy][@supertinyking]