[@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Nightknight] [@Wraithblade6] [@Absolis] [@thewizardguy] "CANNON BALL!" Ozo yells, as he becomes Robo-Ozo, using the moments of free fall to transform, him smashing into the ground with a loud thud, crushing stone under his now metal form, his armor plates doing well to pulverize the bits of cement, or whatever the building was made of. However, he found himself quickly buried by the building falling onto him, pinning him down under it. Lucky for him, he vanishes into the river, watching the battle from below. Enki was causing havoc, and Ozo knew he couldn't do much. However, maybe he could eat someone who could. Swimming out into the battle between the traitor forces of the skull man, and Viral's men, Ozo watched, looking for a powerful combatant. He needed more strength, and these men had slaughtered almost a third of the city. Ozo held no pity, nor mercy for such animals. Trample the weak, that was their plan. Now it was time for them to be devoured. Slowly, he swam under them, looking for a prime target to devour. He took his time, to an extent, knowing that if he rushes ahead he could end up as fried fish sticks, which would do him, nor his allies any good. "Which one of you monsters will be my next meal?" He wonders, in his mind, licking his lips.