[hider = Grey Knights extra info] [h3]An extensive treaty on the Grey Knights[/h3] [b]Brother-Captain[/b] - Number: 2 Champions of the field, who lead entire armies. Each Brother-Captain is a general and a warrior, and they are far more dangerous than most any other individual fighter in the Grey Knight armies. They are decent psykers, in addition to this. [b]Librarian[/b] - number: 2 While all Grey Knights are psionic, few specialize in the craft. Those who do are additionally devastating. Librarians have the task of focusing the psionic might of those around them, in addition to wielding their own psionic abilities to devastating effect. They cast the more powerful spells, drawing on the powers of other Knights for additional oomph. [b]Strike Squad[/b] - number: 24 (4 squads) Relatively lightly armoured warriors equipped with Nemesis Swords and Bolt Pistols. These warriors are the frontline fighters, moving in ahead of an invasion to scout out dangerous terrain and strike where the enemy is weak. Occasionally one of their squadmates carries a heavy weapon to set up and fire, such as a Heavy Flamer, or Plasma Cannon. [b]Terminator Squad[/b] - number: 24 (4 squads) Heavily armoured individuals, capable of facing off against even the greatest of threats. Terminator armour is nearly indestructible, capable of withstanding heavy artillery and anti-armour shells. Only very powerful attacks are able to significantly harm these warriors. And, as with other Grey Knights, each is a psyker. [b]Purifier Squad[/b] - number: 6 (1 squad) Incredibly potent demon slayers, secluded in the Chambers of Purity. They are usually deployed only by the Supreme Grand Master's personal order, and only when the threat is great. They function together to cast powerful psionic abilities, manifesting cleansing flames that erase all enemies. They are also capable of banishing and binding demonic beings. Their every attack is charged with their devotion, and leaves their targets surrounded in ethereal flames. [b]Paladin Squad[/b] - number: 6 (1 squad) Elite warriors, who have completed 8 quests to prove their worth. They are armed and armoured with Terminator Armour and Nemesis Weapons, able to take on even the greatest of demonic threats. Their unwavering spirit and devotion makes them dangerous foes indeed. In melee, none can stand against a squadron of Paladins. [b]Interceptor Squad[/b] - number: 12 (2 squads) Lightly armoured warriors, with a heavy melee focus. Each member carries a Nemesis Greatsword and no ranged weapons. They make up for it with their personal teleporters, which are mounted to their backs. These warriors can rapidly close the distance and appear where the enemy is weak, slicing through each foe as they appear. They use their psionic powers to enhance their physical strength, and to power their Nemesis Weapons. Some also carry Daemonhammers, even more dangerous weapons for dealing with more powerful Daemon. [b]Purgation Squad[/b] - number: 12 (2 squads) Heavy weapons specialists, lugging anti-armour weapons capable of turning entire battlefields to dust in moments. While the Devastator squads of other chapters rely on augers and other mechanical sights to find their prey, Purgation squads possess the ability to psychically locate their foes. Darkness, cover and other such matters do nothing to protect you from their weapons. [b]Nemesis Dreadknight[/b] - number: 4 Immense war machines, these devices are effectively giant exoskeletons for the warrior inside. Each is equipped with a tank-sized Nemesis Sword, and a massive Hellstorm Bolter. The pilot is additionally psionic, able to manifest minor psychic abilities, or combine his powers with others in the army. [b]Dreadnought[/b] - number: 8 Fallen battle brothers are brought back to life as unwavering Dreadnoughts. The remnants of the fallen battle-brother are interred in this giant mechanical sarcophagus, allowing them to use the mech as if it were their own body. As their mind remains intact, so do their powers, and they can psionically enhance the weapons of the Dreadnought. Like with individual marines, the armaments of the dreadnought are variable, but usually they're equipped with a Nemesis Powerfist, and a Heavy Bolter. [/hider]